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Tardis mod - Experienced Scripters and Modders needed!


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Hello everyone, and thank you for taking your time to read this.

As some of you know, a Tardis mod for Skyrim was released several days ago. I downloaded it and loved it, however not everything I wanted was there.

What I'm planning to do is to completely rebuild shatteredsteel's mod and convert it into a fully completed awesome player home, such as the one by Eolhin on tesnexus.


The reason I am requesting help from other modders and scripters is that I may be comfortable with interior decorating, I am certainly not when it comes to scripts and others things. I realise these two things are especially important in a Tardis mod because the whole thing is scripting. However, if someone with the expertise can help, I believe we could make a brilliant mod - the original Tardis for oblivion remains in the top 100.

If I can get a response to this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some attached imagesof the revamped primary console room;

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As much as I'd like to offer you something I just can't, I'm not an experienced modder. The reason I'm wanting to do this is because I wanted to change it the way It looked and make it into a house. I've never made any other mods. I just need help with the centre console and the locations it can go.
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Yes, this is an add on to the previous tardis mod which means it can still travel to holds and standing stones etc. so far the console has not been changed as I don't know how the scripts work. What I'm looking for is someone who can add more locations for it to go. So far, I've rebuilt the main console room and added two new rooms. Engine room and the heart of the tardis.
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