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a SkyUI issue


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I have enabled SkyUI via NMM, and i have made sure that the latest SKSE is installed and my skyrim is up to date. However, when i start the game using SKSE and load a saved game, SkyUI doesnt work (the character menu is the default menu). No error messages either. ( This was all after a fresh install of skyrim, SKSE, and NMM, so i'm not sure what could cause this )


SkyUI is Enabled:



SKSE is Installed:


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I started a new game, it didn't work. I also tried moving SkyUI to the top and bottom of the load order and that didn't help. I even disabled my antivirus just in case and nothing changed.

The skyUI configuration shows up under i think "Mod Configuration" when i hit escape, so i know something is working, but the original Skyrim character menu isn't getting replaced.

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Oops, sorry, i didn't mean the character creation menu, i meant this menu:

I'm not sure whats wrong because if i hit Escape, theres a mod configuration with this in it so something must be working:

And yes, the SkyUI.bsa is installed along with the fomod folder in data.


Edited by icestorm158
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Oh wait, it is working, darn, what the heck am i thinking... I could have swore that an older version of SkyUI i used a while back replaced the menu with the "Magic, Skills, map, and items" buttons. Sorry for wasting time. my bad xD

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