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Skyrim crashes while trying to leave Blackreach


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Hallo everybody,

I have a big problem with Skyrim. As the title says the game crashes every time I want to leave Blackreach. I can go into buildings in Blackreach and I can load old saves (on the surface). I have installed a few mods, but I haven’t changed them since I started this char and it worked so far.



Skyrim Immersive Chreatures





I hope you can help me with my problem.

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What is the suffix of the save you are trying to use? (If it is not .ess, go back to last last save that is .ess)

Also did you make any change anything when in Blackreach? (Mods, ini settings, graphics settings, etc.)

If you go to a save before blackreach, then enter blcakreach, (using only full saves) does the problem recoccur? If not, the problem may be a corrupted save, and you may have to redo that part.

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I havn't changed anything and it dosen't matter which save i load. The game crashes anyways and i don't have a clue why.

Is there a possibility to check if a mod is causing this problem without deactivating it? Because if i deactivate the mods i can't load my saves.

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