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More Gambleing


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Basiclly my request is really simple. It came from walking around the casinos and seeing all the empty tables. Basiclly want I hope for is more games to play, for example in The Tops I noticed some Craps tables with "out of order" signs on them...this is just one game that can be modded in...at least I hope. I know modders are busy ppl and probably don't have either the time or capability of implamenting a dice game, or any other game for that matter even with the NVSE, but I wanted to bring it up in case someone wanted to take a shot at it.

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Dice Poker would be awesome, as would Texas Hold Em, I LOVE that game lol. But I honestly can never understand "Caravan" and quite frankly seems boreing, so I'm left with only Blackjack and Roulette to entertain me, and even then I have to get to a casino first for that. I don't go to Casinos myself so I'm not totally familiar with the types of games typically found in them. But Dice games would be great guys.

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Implementing new games isn't feasible. Aside from the fact that nobody who could pull it off is modding for NV anymore, the ones in the game are built as part of the engine, and since we don't have access to modify or upgrade the engine, it would be nearly impossible to make new games. I'm sure it could be done with message boxes and such, but not the cool menus like the built in games, which would make it kind of more boring.


I didn't get caravan at first, but after watching some tutorial videos it made sense and was actually a really fun game. So fun that I have played it against real people in the real world. It's way better than the standard gambling games in NV, and much more of a challenge, since you can't just max out Luck and take them for everything.

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