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Furniture form with multiple different idles possible ?


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I have a craftable cat bowl activator live which is scripted to node attach two different idles; catdrinking and catsunning.




Event OnLoad()

Self.SetMotionType(aeMotionType = Motion_Keyframed, abAllowActivate = TRUE)

If (Self.GetLinkedRef(pWorkshopItemKeyword) != None) && (Self.CountRefsLinkedToMe(pSKK_WUCatIdleLink) == 0)
	ObjectReference ThisMarker
	ThisMarker = Self.PlaceAtNode("SKK_IDLE00CATDRINK", pCatDrinking, aiCount = 1, abForcePersist = false, abInitiallyDisabled = false, abDeleteWhenAble = false, abAttach = true)
	ThisMarker.SetLinkedRef(Self, pSKK_WUCatIdleLink) 
	ThisMarker = Self.PlaceAtNode("SKK_IDLE01CATDRINK", pCatDrinking, aiCount = 1, abForcePersist = false, abInitiallyDisabled = false, abDeleteWhenAble = false, abAttach = true)
	ThisMarker.SetLinkedRef(Self, pSKK_WUCatIdleLink) 
	ThisMarker = Self.PlaceAtNode("SKK_IDLE02CATSUN", pCatSunning, aiCount = 1, abForcePersist = false, abInitiallyDisabled = false, abDeleteWhenAble = false, abAttach = true)
	ThisMarker.SetLinkedRef(Self, pSKK_WUCatIdleLink) 
	ThisMarker = Self.PlaceAtNode("SKK_IDLE03CATSUN", pCatSunning, aiCount = 1, abForcePersist = false, abInitiallyDisabled = false, abDeleteWhenAble = false, abAttach = true)
	ThisMarker.SetLinkedRef(Self, pSKK_WUCatIdleLink) 






Looking to optimise it as Furniture to avoid the OnLoad setup and OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed cleanup script.


Using the base furniture form to setup 4 marker interact points at the model attach nodes is not a problem.


But there is only one marker Model on the furniture form, and cats clearly need to both drink and sun.


Is it even possible to have multiple markers using the base game furniture, or should I stick with my scripting ?

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OK so lets rephrase:


(1) is there a relationship between the marker model and anim kewords or are they totally independent, and;


(2) If a furniture form has multiple different AnimFurn keywords, say AnimFurnCatSunning and AnimFurnCatDrinking will it still work ?

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As far as I know, one furniture can use only one AnimFurn keyword. One keyword can have multiple animations though (like AnimFurnChairWithTable). Marker models are important because without them an NPC wouldn't know where to sit on that chair (X, Y, Z distance from the furniture) but AnimFurn keywords identify the associated animations.

Edited by LarannKiar
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So for multiple unique keyword driven idle animations on a single object, my core constructible/placeable activator with scripted PlaceAtNode idle furnitures attached is the only way.


ps no, its not just cats.

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You could look at the behavior subgraphs and maybe set up multiple idles with the same target keyword and different actor keywords. Each time an actor used the item you oculd remove the old one and add a new, random one. You'd have to accept having thee same initial animation the first time an actor used the item, but after that you could do what you liked.

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Creative thanks, but replacing OnLoad script functions that are working fine with animation complexity is not really solving anything so I'll stick with what I got.


Infact I have just been doing a bunch of new work with form based objects and it turns out scripting is far more fun :pirate: Ar-harrrr.

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I think you are right. Stick with your working solution because creating new animfurns is not much fun. I haven't gotten one to work yet even when I followed Kinggath's tutorial.


Edit: Is it possible to add a different animfurn keyword as a marker keyword for each interaction point?

Edited by GrimGrim31
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Creative thanks, but replacing OnLoad script functions that are working fine with animation complexity is not really solving anything so I'll stick with what I got.


Infact I have just been doing a bunch of new work with form based objects and it turns out scripting is far more fun :pirate: Ar-harrrr.

Hey, no problem. Now that you've led me to think of it, I can think of some fun uses for the technique :D

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