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That Imperial General at Helgen...


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Who is she?


She's the one who says:


"Forget about the list! This one goes to the block!" :ohmy:


I think she's a Dunmer. She was going to murder my Khajiit, and then she tried the same with my Imperial, and now she's done it to my Dunmer!


So who is she, where does she live and where can I find her? :mad:


I have sworn The Blood Oath, and when my Dumner Assassin is level 100, she is going to track her down, slit her throat and kill her entire family, even unto the 5th generation. So all her cousins and second cousins and their families as well!




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She's an imperial. And a captain.


And she can be encountered (and killed) in the Helgen keep if you decide to follow Ralof. She's the one carrying the key to the keep.


No idea what happens to her when you decide to go with Hadvar though.

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