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Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Nexus?


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Torn Banner the developers of Chivalry Medieval Warfare a first and third person medieval melee combat multiplayer game is releasing their mod tools soon. The game has a lot of promise when it comes to mods. Lots of opportunity's etc, I was wondering if a Nexus for this game was in the works?


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They've been planning to release them for a long time now. Is there any new news? Pretty sure they're integrating straight in to Steam Workshop as well.

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It's coming out this month I believe, and I think it has a lot of promise. I don't know how you guys handle these things, as in creating more nexus sites for games that could have a potential modding community. But I thought I would just give you guys a heads up about it, and maybe suggesting that, if all goes well a nexus site could be in the planning. That would be neat. I mean it's a first-person/third-person melee combat game. That 's going to get a fully working SDK, that just sounds all kinds of awesome to me. Star Wars mods anyone? :P

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