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It has been discussed before, so a search might be useful.


It does what it says, improves your chance of any action having a positive outcome. You should be able to increase your luck once each time you level up and still max all attributes without any problem. You normally level about 72/3 times in the game and if by chance you still haven't maxed the skills there are ways around it.

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  • 2 months later...

it has an effect on randomly generated loot. for example, a high luck would increase the chance of a particular soulgem being a greater soulgem as opposed to common.


i'm not a modder, so i don't know the algorithms and lists used to determine the loot. i'm not sure if it affects how much gold you find, or the times of equipment that's found.


it obviously has no effect on items purposely placed.


i suppose every time you use a skill it effects the chances of success slightly (attacking, casting a spell, sneaking, disarming traps, picking lint out of your navel, etc)

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