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Skyrim Redone: Need Help


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I started a new playthrough with SkyRe and im struggling....

1. I started in windhelm, and landed in the tomb where you meet the guy that wants me to kill a necromancer in the tomb. The first part of the dungeon was manageable, but i got to a point now where there are about 8 draugrs in one small chamber right before the end of the dungeon. Im only level 2, and blocking is almost useless atm (still get 1/4 of my health taken away) and since im focussing on two-handed, its really hard to even block anything because my guy moves so slowly. I realise that this quest is too hard for me ATM (which is realistic considering im a bad warrior in skyrim, so i cant fight tons of enemies), but i have no idea how else i could level up until im good enough to do these quests. This is a very basic one. how do i know what quests are manageable and which are not? Im really confused ATM.


2. The Heavy-Weapons tree and the description state that you can now use battlestaffs. Let alone the last perk, hitting multiple enemies is amazing, and i always wanted to use battlestaffs in skyrim. But so far i couldnt buy/find one anywhere. How do i obtain the new weapons? So far ive only seen vanilla-style weapons.


Thank you

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Well for leveling i suggest joining one of the guilds (companions, thiefs, darkbrotherhood or the college of winterhold) as they tend to be quite easy at start and get alot harder along the way.


The new weapons can be crafted, i think battlestaff is in "wood" selection at the forge, or looted from enemies, but dont expect that a lvl 2 bandit will be dropping amazing gear.


You could always try to level at some mines as they tend to be crawling with necromancers and highlevel enemies.

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I haven't updated to the Dragonborn-Compatible Skyre version yet, but in previous editions Skyre does not affect the start location. I am thinking maybe you are using Random Alternate Start or a similar mod? In the case of Random Alternate Start, the easiest solution would be just to start over...you will probably get a different starting point. Some are easier and some are harder.


If you are determined to get through the current dungeon, I'd suggest either trying to sneak around as many as possible, or run like zombies are chasing you. Cuz they kinda are.

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I used the Alternate Start mod, where you can choose where to start. I chose Windhelm because i wanted to join the stormcloaks right away to earn my first bread. But the Yarl isnt there, yet.


I think it would be a good idea to joina guild. SInce im also using primary-needs and frostfall mods, i could use the bed and the food.


Thank you for your information.

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other question: Two handed weapons are WAAAAY to slow. I hit maybe once every 1.5 seconds. Thats not realistic. Im not wielding a hammer! Will this get better soon? I want to fight like a samurai, or the people in Game Of Thrones, where they can actually do something quickly with the sword. Like this, it takes so long for the animation to end that blocking is WAY too hard, since you cannot interrupt the hitting motion.


For battlestaffs: Have they adjusted hitting-animations? Attack-speed?

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Pretty much everything about Skyre is explained if you read the discussion page, readme, and description page.

Generally, weapons start slow, they become faster and more destructive as you gain experience, skills, perks.

You can speed this up by adjusting the Uncapper, and you can read more about that on the Uncapper website.

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And besides what Gril said, SkyRe is meant to challenge your game play. I think the two handed animations are perfect as is, you just have to lvl into it.

Oh and @Georgeiegril are you the author of SkyRe? If you are love your work it's really great! If you aren't pretend you never read this lol.

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