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Loading Mouse Curser shows up in game?


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so i tried to do a little digging on this and all i found was people having an issue with their mouse showing up after they Alt + Tab'ed but thats not exactly whats going on in my case.


in my case after playing the game for 10 or 15 minutes the little blue mouse circle shows up, the one that means windows is loading. it shows up in addition to the curser in game and its extremely annoyuing having that fly around. its always in the same spot in relation to to the in game mouse. always seems to hover to the upper right of where the in game mouse would be (meaning if the blue circle is centered on my screen, im actually looking down and to the left a little)


this isnt something that happens when i Alt + Tab. I have no background programs open. im not sure why this is happening. Ive never had it happen with any other game.


hope someone can helpo me out.

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also i should mention whenever i go to quit the game (just clicking quit) but dont actually quit, the curser goes away for a bit.


the only thing i use is IOBit Game Booser (3.5 Beta). but this problem happens with or without running GB.

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The cursor/load thing suggests to me that something else has taken priority and is trying to load, or update.

Do you play the game with steam in online mod, and/or do you have the "connect to steam community" or whatever toggled on?


Also have you tried disabling autosaves?

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i guess i play it in Online mode? i had that community box checked yes. i just unchecked it and ill see if it does anything. if not ill also try disabling autosaves (which shouldnt be a problem. i have QuickSave mapped to my Tab key and press it like every 5 minutes lol...do this in every game)

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