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Project ENB - interiors too dark.


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I really like how this enb looks (winter preset) but the key for me is the performance. i use the Extreme performance settings and my FPS is really good.

but the only problem with this enb is the interiors, they are way too dark.

Does someone has a solution or can someone recomend me another ENB with regular interiors and awsome performance?


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Are you using any lighting overhauls? Sometimes they can conflict especially with Climates of Tamriel (which I assume your using since your using project ENB) since it alters an unfathomable amount of lighting sources. Also some ENB's are tailor made for specific lighting mods so if you use a different one it wont look the way the mod author intended. My recommendation would be to go to both the CoT mod page as well as the Project ENB page to see which, if any, lighting overhaul they recommend you use with their mod. Best of luck, hope this helps!

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Did you install the contents of the 'Data' folder and activate both .esps? If so, deactivate and delete the 'Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp' one.


I use Project ENB, Realistic preset with SSAO, CoT with default nights and no extra options, and 'Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp' which gives just the right amount of darkness, most of the time.

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