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Disabling mod causes crashes


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I already asked this on the mod page but no one is responding.


I downloaded that 7K whiterun mod a while ago and started doing the thieves guild quests only to find out that the mod breaks the quest, so I uninstalled it and now the whole game crashes at the title screen!! When I reinstall the mod it works again, does anyone have any idea why this would be?

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Maybe the game tries to load some inventory content which is now missing.


Install the mod, open the console, type




, then save the game in the console by typing


save MyGame01


. After that, exit the game und uninstall the mod. This should at least get you back into the game. It worked for me in a similar case.

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It also may be that the mod in question has scripts that are installed with it so even if you delete the mod the scripts remain which usually causes alot of problems although shadows suggestion is probably the most correct in this situation. I would personally just do a clean install, it may take awhile but at least you wouldn't have to foot around with disabling and re-enabling mods till you get it right.

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As Shadowjin wisely points out, it is almost certainly a master file dependency issue. If it were a script issue, it would pop up after the menu screen, once your savefile is loaded. Not being able to even load a save file = master file dependency issue.

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I'm confused, are you saying this particular mod has overwritten a master file then replaced it with its own version so that when I uninstall the mod that master file disappears? If so wouldn't uninstalling the mod then verifying the game cache fix the problem as it would redownload the missing file?

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I'm confused, are you saying this particular mod has overwritten a master file then replaced it with its own version so that when I uninstall the mod that master file disappears? If so wouldn't uninstalling the mod then verifying the game cache fix the problem as it would redownload the missing file?


Run BOSS, it tells if you're running .esp that requires other .esp or .esm file.

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I should mention also that the mod has three esps and I unticked the offender and it all still works so it's one of the other files, now I can play fine but I still want to uninstall it. I ran BOSS and it doesn't it doesn't show any problems.


I disabled all the esps for the mod and it still worked, but when I actually disabled the whole mod it crashed!

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