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Game crashes when I try to enter Windhelm


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I've never had persistent crashing in my game in all these years, but now I do - when I try to enter Windhelm. I have no idea what might be the cause.


Here is my Crash log:



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I don't know how to determine the cause of the crash from the log. If anyone knows how to read it, please help.

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From what I can tell, it's something to do with JK's Skyrim, Relighting Skyrim, DynoLOD, and your Smashed Patch. There are a few other mods it mentions as culprits, but the general idea is it's mods to do with Windhelm.

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Yeah, I disabled JK and everything related to it (including DynDOLOD.esp and Occlusion.esp) in one go, and I entered the city just fine. I don't know whether the issue here is RAM (or perhaps VRAM) as Helmsmasher said, or something more "sinister". I'll try disabling stuff one at a time for testing purposes, to pinpoint the exact culprit.


EDIT: Found it. It's Embers XD - JK Skyrim Patch. This is the thing that's been causing CTD. I reported it on Embers XD mod page, since that is its source.


Thank you guys for helping me root out the problem :)

Edited by Katarsi
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