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Possible to "AttachRef" a terminal to something?

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Good evening everybody!


So, as you know you can "AttachRef" an object to anohter object.

And if object A is "attached" to object B and object B moves, object A will move with it.


But for some reason, a terminal object can't be "AttachRef"' 'ed to another object.

(Or I am just too blind to see the option to do so ...)


Why do I want to do this?

I want to have a "secret door", basically a wall that can rotate by 90° to reveal a hidden compartment.

To make the "secret wall" less "suspicious" I would love to have a table (more like a shelf that is attached to the wall) with a terminal on it in front of it.

The table and the terminal should also move with the wall.


I got this to work with "static objects" attached to the rotation marker, but like I said, the terminal can't be attached ...

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As you surmised terminals do not have the "AttachRef." Are you planning to you the terminal to access/open the secret wall. If so, I wonder if you could create a little optical illusion. Use the terminal to open said wall. Terminal has a script which disables the terminal, enables a static version of the terminal which is attachref to the helper, execute the door rotation, upon stop reverse the enable/disable magic. Should work in theory.

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If the host object has an attach node you can totally attach a terminal to it.


I combine a container and terminal to create workshop constructable and movable Ammo-O-Matic:


MyTerminal = Self.PlaceAtNode(asNodeName = "SKK_AOMATTACHNODE", akFormToPlace = pSKK_AOMTerminal, aiCount = 1, abForcePersist = false, abInitiallyDisabled =false, abDeleteWhenAble = false, abAttach = True)

MyTerminal.SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, FALSE)
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  On 4/28/2021 at 7:40 AM, SKK50 said:


If the host object has an attach node you can totally attach a terminal to it.



Yeah, I thought about that. Depends on whether you want to place the terminal with a script, or set it up in the cell editor of the CK.




There are also terminals in the Activator section that you will be able to attach. One of them is even for opening doors. Though from the sound of it, I'd probably go with the static substitution plan.

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