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Save File protection?


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Hello! Me and a friend play on my pc when it comes to Skyrim. Recently, however, he accidentally (manually) overwrote my main-save with one of his own (Likely due to just trying to save and sleep.)


I was wondering if there was any REAL way to backup your Skyrim files, without having to make multiple copies of that save.


I've tried moving the save file itself form the skyrim folder to a desktop folder, but it's still possible to overwrite (Somehow the extension follows the file wherever I put it) So is there any way to save a hard copy of a hard-save outside of the skyrim data area where if this happens again, I can simply copy/pasta it back in?

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Skyrim saves are stored in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves. Simply copy them from there and back them up elsewhere. If you need to restore a save, copy it back to the Saves folder. If you use SKSE, make sure you save the .skse file as well.
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You might also like to find/try TESV SaveGame Manager (TESVSGM on the Nexus) which enables you to run multiple characters and switch between them disturbingly easily.

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copying the save file IS the most "REAL" way of backing up you'll find

maybe this helps you if you dont know though; open console, type save <savename> like save Shijima. then you have save called Shijima, and wont be overwritten unless you do that again

i usually use 2 or 3 words for each character. that way i have always a current save and one or 2 from a short while ago. plus once u did it, u can open console and just hit Up arrow and enter to overwrite

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