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The fabled "Karliah glitch"


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So after a decade, has anyone finally came up with a solution for this persistent glitch?


I'm talking about the moment after donning Nightingale armor and talking to Karliah, when instead of heading to the gate to open it, she leaves the Nightingale Hall instead. And basically makes the quest stuck.


This glitch is notorious for its random occurrence, both in unmodded and modded game.


I've seen various solutions on the net, dating back to even 2012 (!), that involve using the console for setting the quest stage, passing through the gate, disabling the gate, pushing Karliah, attacking her... But all of these are temporary solutions (if they even manage to work).


Any ideas?

I'm thinking a mod, or something that could fix the damnable script or whatever it is that makes Karliah go whack. I wish I was knowledgeable enough to figure it out, but all I can do is look into xEdit, and to my not-well-enough-trained eye, all seems fine. Even though it evidently isn't.

Edited by Katarsi
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Yes, I know about the console thing. I was thinking about some more efficient solution that works out of the box - like any normal quest should. Without resorting to console, reloading etc.

Edited by Katarsi
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You can fus ro dah her up the stairs, also works.

You can also try this mod:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63628/ you'll have to port it though.


Ah, so that is why I didn't notice it, it was on LE! Well, it's a rather brute-force way to fix the glitch, but since nothing else is available... And it's rather old. The last time this modder visited Nexus was in 2016, so I guess there's no hope of officially porting it to SE.


...Unless someone on SE decides to make something more refined.

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