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Settlement with Load Separated Cells


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On to my next vault. The remaining two are composed of two cells each: 114 has the entrance in Parkway Station (Vault114) and the actual vault in a different cell (Vault11402), and 95 uses two exterior cells and one interior.


I know you can link multiple DefaultEmptyTrigger boxes to the workbench to create a non-rectangular build area. My question is can those be in different cells separated by a load screen? I mean load doors don't break settler pathing, so you'd think it would be possible.

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Sorry.. I’ve made a Fizztop grille player house some months ago and it has interior and exterior cells but that isn’t actually a “full settlement”.. so it’s not in the Pip-Boy list. It works perfectly though.


Why, do you like to create a full settlement? With registering it to the workshop system?

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@LarannKiar to be clear; you managed to get one Workshop to activate build areas in both internal and external cells ?


If so please point me at the solution as I would like to study and document, it has never been done before.

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for so far i can remember it don't work, even if both int/ext have the same name,loc/zone and both build boxes are linked to the ext workshop

if wb is in ext it works there or the otherway around, but the moment you go inside/outside you can get the menu to show

believe me i have tryed that ages ago, but maybe some 1 smarter then me figure it out how it can work, because i don't know much of that settlement stuf

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@speedynl I have spent many, many hours trying to get split worldspace build areas to work with multiple WorkshopLinkedPrimitive and WorkshopLinkedBuildAreaEdge.


Rather than a long queue of everyone in the whole world who CANT get it to work saying it doesn't work let's see what DOES work for LarannKiar ...

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Okay, I had to test it again.. I uploaded it in a Google Drive folder (I don't remember all the details). I made it in February but I haven't released it because I haven't been to Nuka World for a long time.


It's a not full settlement so it's not shows up in the Pip-Boy, you can't send there Settlers, Companions, supplies. Also, it has different containers (for exterior, interior). So it's just a simple player house. There's a holotape I made to disable all the nasty stuff in / near the Fizztop Grille (that's why there are a lot overwritten records in the plugin).

Edited by LarannKiar
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Sorry.. I’ve made a Fizztop grille player house some months ago and it has interior and exterior cells but that isn’t actually a “full settlement”.. so it’s not in the Pip-Boy list. It works perfectly though.


Why, do you like to create a full settlement? With registering it to the workshop system?


Because I want it to be a full settlement, with settlers, supply lines, the works.

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OK so you placed seperate Workshop Workbenches (FT_WorkshopWorkbench_Toolbox "Workshop" [CONT:FE000005])

in the interior (DLC04HubFizztopGrille01 "Fizztop Grille" [CELL:0601CE22])

and exterior ([CELL:06007B9C] (in NukaWorld "Nuka-World" [WRLD:0600290F])) cells

So they are just two totally seperate and different workshops, not the same workshop with multiple build areas.
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