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Settlement with Load Separated Cells


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@aurreth it would be interesting if you could pin down whether its the Workshop tagged encounter zone, or the LocTypeWorkshopXXX tagged Location that is causing the contention and kick-out.


#1 Setup a seperate External Location using the original Encounterzone and assign to the external cell ... see what happens.


#2 Give the External Location its own encounter zone ... see what happens.


Pretty much where I was headed. I'll have to split the cells up. Which is going to screw with map markers, which will break things. The MapMarker for the interior cell won't be in the same Location record.


New question: Does the settlement MapMarker have to be visible to the player (i.e. show up on the world map) for supply lines to work?


If i remember correctly, vault 88 only has the mapmarker on the exterior, which isn't even a part of the/a 'settlement'. They swapped out the quarry one. But the supply lines work perfectly.

The internal cell, the actual settlement doesn't have one. (makes no use either if you ask me) - afaik, its not even possible to do so. (to show up on the world map, it has to be in the exterior world) - but i'm no expert on the subject.

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@aurreth No the map marker does not actually affect WorkshopParentScript settlement operations its Workshops:Locations.


Only some radiant quests are affected by LocationHasMapMarker (or similar) conditions.


The provisioner AI packages target WorkshopLinkCenter

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If i remember correctly, vault 88 only has the mapmarker on the exterior, which isn't even a part of the/a 'settlement'. They swapped out the quarry one. But the supply lines work perfectly.



The internal cell, the actual settlement doesn't have one. (makes no use either if you ask me) - afaik, its not even possible to do so. (to show up on the world map, it has to be in the exterior world) - but i'm no expert on the subject.



81 actually has a map marker that takes you straight to the interior cell, but that marker is never enabled and never shows up in the game.


And yes, to show up on the world map the mapmarker has to be in an exterior cell. Where that marker takes you depends on the linked XMarkerHeading, which can be anywhere in the world or any interior cell.


Now, when building an interior settlement a map marker may or may not be necessary. The scripts expect there to be a marker in the same Location (LCTN record). However, sometimes they glitch if that marker is not also in the same cell, probably because interior cells are not loaded in memory until you enter them. The best thing to do is build without one, test, and if there are assignment or supply line issues add one to the interior cell.


For Vault-Tec HQ I had to add a map marker inside the cell. For 75 it had no problems using the existing one. My work on an exterior trade outpost for 81 doesn't count, that was a straight exterior build right on top of the existing map marker. 81 was only a pain because it's at the intersection of 4 different cells, so took some fiddling to make sure all markers were within the Location.


(Oh, I'm capitalizing "Location" because I'm referring to the LCTN record in the game files, not to the actual location in the game.)

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