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More shapely female stealth armor, please?


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I loved the more shapely female leather armor mod, and after playing Op: Anchorage, I think the Chinese Stealth Armor desperately needs this treatment as well. The current one makes any female character look like a scrawny teenage boy with boobs...
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Err, does the hair pack I'm using include a body mod after all, or what? Because Either I'm gone blind or you have played too much DOA.


Speaking of which, I hate most of the princessifying female face mods. Sure the vanilla looks a bit rugged, but miss-botox-lipses just don't fit well in a wasteland setting.

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The legs on pretty much all vanilla female armors look like straight sticks when viewed from the side. Examine closely the shape of the legs on combat armor, jumpsuits, stealth armor, etc. Metal armor is the only real exception.


That aside, the hips on the stealth armor in particular are too narrow for how broad the shoulders are.


Compare this:




To this:




The legs are also too short, but that's a more complicated problem to fix.

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Shoulders I can agree on. Something I noticed pretty much straight away when starting a female save. Hips never seemed especially narrow, the shoulders are just too broad.


As for, legs, I suppose I never payed that much attention. And the game rarely gives a side view. As for them being short... well, meh... not too noticable, though I do live in Scandinavia.

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Double post, sorry.


Actually you're right, now that I really stop to look at it. It looked okay in motion, with the arms looking to be quite a natural distance away from the body due to the movement hands make when running and the shoulders looking like it's all just padding. Also, the femine sway of hips makes them look wider.


However, when you stop, the arms rest too far off the body, even if there's shoulder padding, and the hips aren't actually as femine as the walking movement. Funny though, I could swear many other armors made the hips noticably wide looking. Gotta check.

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The body is subject to the skeleton and animations used. Troublesome areas, regarding clipping, are typically shoulders and legs during animation sequences. Since the game engine does not use a clothing simulator, everything has to be "stretched" when in movement and hopefully not in such a way they do not overlap (clip) with other bolt-on models (pants, shirt, armor, weapons, etc.)


I am fairly certain Bethesda choose this body/skeleton to make animations easier to make with the least amount of clipping...so broad shoulders and skinny hips help in this area.


I would like to see a more realistic body but the skeletal / animation system does not allow much room for customization...such as a 100-pound adult walking/running differently from a 200-pound adult. The placement of the legs and arms differ between skinny and larger body types.


So, back to what I was getting at, with "this" particular game engine, I can see why it was done this way but it would be nice the limitation can be overcome (in future game engines)



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