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proper archery aiming


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I'm looking for a mod that adjusts first person aiming with bows, as it is it feels like I'm holding the bow at chest height and not really aiming. Using iHUD and it's a pain to try to get on target always aiming up and to the left of where it looks like i should be aiming. I have some archery experience and so the sloppy aiming bugs me, i want the real archery feel. anyways, it should look something like it would for the guy in this video <a href="

"> where if it was a short range shot ~30-40 ft I'd be shooting pretty much straight down the shaft, and longer shots my target would be below the arrow head.


EDIT: have been using the tweaks to make the arrows fly straight rather than rising, but the aim still feels off more than it should

Edited by Cyracus
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yeah, i don't use third person and don't use my crosshair while using my bow and see very little sideways movement from first person just don't like the aiming. I just know like FO3 has iron sights and was hoping a small mod had been made to make archery better, even changing the game to always use the stock standing bow position/draw would be an improvement...just don't know enough to mod anything like that and not have to worry about breaking something

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