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hi there everyone ! i decided to pop on and and say yes i am new. i currently do have a gaming pc but i just made this account incase i get one in the future. anyway, i am a newbie and creating mods sounds fun ! i am happy to learn more and how to do things in the creation kit of skyrim. i am planning on making my first mod which is a simple follower soon in the future.

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Welcome to the place where Bethesda Softwork Inc. Morrowind's freelance game modders/artists began to converge here at Nexus mods, more during and after 2002 when Morrowind became the Game of the Year. The modders had webpages all over the Internet and gained fans using their mods from all around the world.


Now you're here at Nexusmods, which used to be TESnexus dot com, way back when, the home of BlackTreeGaming's Robin Scott. Now this website has many good people that mod to help you along when you choose from the huge selection of games that may delight you enough to create your follower and make friends with other modders who can help you create a good follower as you progress.


Morrowind May Marathon is active and OpenMW construction set has been prepared for new modders to help get you started and keep modding for the game easy so you can get more done. Save yourself from some headaches and learn how to use OpenMW < https://openmw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manuals/openmw-cs/index.html > if you would like to mod Morrowind for starters.

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