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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to get the game running with some mods but after I press the "Launch Oblivion + OBSE 20.6" in the Wrye Bash, the game opens, but crashes at the bethesda logo (sometimes at mid of the animation, sometimes almost at the end of the animation of the bethesda logo) and if I press Esc it will go to the Loading screen but still crashes when a certain time period passes.

When checking the Problem Signature (that window from Windoes, that opens when something creashes) It says that the Name of the Problem Event (sorry for the rough translation) is APPCRASH, and the name of the application and the name of the application with faults is Oblivion.exe.


My load order:




00  Oblivion.esm

01  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm

02  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]

03  Lovers with PK.esm

04  TamagoClub.esm

05  HiyokoClub.esm

06  LoversCreature.esm

07  x117race.esm

08  UndiesUnderneath.esm

09  DLCShiveringIsles.esp

0A  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.5.0]

0B  SM Plugin Refurbish - SI.esp  [Version 1.30]

0C  USIPS Additional Changes.esp

0D  DLCHorseArmor.esp

0E  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.7]

0F  SM Plugin Refurbish - HorseArmor.esp  [Version 1.11]

10  DLCOrrery.esp

11  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]

12  SM Plugin Refurbish - Orrery.esp  [Version 1.11]

13  DLCVileLair.esp

14  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.7]

++  SM Plugin Refurbish - VileLair.esp  [Version 1.21]

15  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp

16  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]

17  SM Plugin Refurbish - MehrunesRazor.esp  [Version 1.30]

18  DLCSpellTomes.esp

++  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]

++  MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp

19  MaternityClothes.esp

1A  DLCThievesDen.esp

1B  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.10]

1C  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.5]

1D  SM Plugin Refurbish - ThievesDen.esp  [Version 1.30]

1E  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]

1F  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]

++  Cobl Tweaks.esp  [Version 1.44]

20  TIE.esp  [Version 1.48]

21  Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp  [Version 3.1]

22  BDBS - Whispered Warning Patch.esp

23  DLCFrostcrag.esp

24  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.6]

25  SM Plugin Refurbish - Frostcrag.esp  [Version 1.2]

26  Knights.esp

27  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.2]

++  SM Plugin Refurbish - Knights.esp  [Version 1.06]

28  HUD Status Bars.esp  [Version 5.3.2]

29  TamagoBreak.esp

2A  TamagoNews.esp

2B  TamagoShop.esp

2C  TamagoTopic.esp

2D  TamagoConfide.esp

2E  LoversTamagoClub.esp

2F  LoversEncounter.esp

30  HiyokoGenetics.esp

31  HiyokoGenerator.esp

32  HiyokoGeneratorCreature.esp

33  HiyokoQuestTarget.esp

34  TamagoSetBody.esp

35  LoversAdultYield.esp

36  LoversCalm.esp

37  LoversSetBody.esp

38  LoversSoundCreature.esp  [Version 0.1.0]

39  LoversAphrodisia.esp

3A  LoversAphrodisiaHUD.esp

3B  LoversFSE.esp

3C  LoversDRader.esp

3D  LoversHudInformation.esp  [Version 1.02]

3E  LoversRapeman.esp

3F  LoversAdultPlayPlusforSSP.esp

40  LoversVoiceSSPplus.esp

41  LoversVoiceSSPx117.esp

42  LoversRaperS.esp

43  LoversJoburg.esp

44  LoversJoburg NoDelay Addon.esp

45  LoversJealousy.esp

46  LoversBed.esp

47  LoversHiyokoShooter.esp

48  LoversLoveJuice.esp

49  LoversPayBandit.esp

4A  LoversPower.esp

4B  LoversContraception.esp

4C  Lovers with PK.esp  [Version 96]

4D  LoversCreature.esp

4E  Lovers with PK Extender.esp  [Version 2.4.3]

**  LoversCreature_SexualOrgans.esp

++  LoversCreatureVoiceForceEnabler.esp

4F  LoversStopCombatEx.esp

50  LoversSpermSplashEx.esp

51  LoversSummonRapeman.esp

52  LoversEscapeRapeVPlayer.esp

53  LoversRapeSlave.esp

54  LoversRapeStruggle.esp

55  LoversSlaveTrader.esp

56  LSTBravilUnderground.esp

57  LoversUtilityFunctions.esp

58  LoversBeatemUpS.esp

59  LoversNTRburglar.esp

5A  LoversSkirtFlipper.esp

5B  SetBody.esp

5C  SDR_Core.esp  [Version 4.4.1]

5D  SDR_NPC Behavior.esp  [Version 4.4.1]

5E  SDR_Perks And Patches (Oblivion).esp  [Version 4.4.1]

5F  Real_Mannequin.esp

++  Item interchange - Extraction.esp  [Version 0.76]

++  Item interchange - Placement.esp  [Version 0.76]

++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag.esp  [Version 0.76]

++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag Reborn.esp  [Version 0.76]

++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag Spire Revisited.esp  [Version 0.76]

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp

**  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged RoseSims Hair Modules.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged RoseA00 Hair Modules.esp

++  x117 Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed CustomRace.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp

++  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp

60  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp

++  Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp  [Version 1.53]

**  TIE Weapon + Armor Filter.esp

61  Bashed Patch, Oblivion.esp

62  LoversMB2.esp

63  Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp

64  LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp

65  Lovers3dorgasm.esp

66  LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp




I followed this guide: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/410714-TES4-AIOblivion-Complete-Experience?p=3332376#post3332376


And I followed this OP's load order: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/410714-TES4-AIOblivion-3-Complete-Experience?highlight=oblivion


What could the problem I have be? And what can I do to fix it?

Edited by ThaWizard
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Hey there everyone! Ihappen to have about the same issue, safe I have NO MODS installed anymore. Actually I am trying to launch a FRESH OBLIVION install, with only the Oblivion.esm and the official/unofficial patches installed. To no avail. I know it can't be that the fault lies on my system config: I first installed and ran it fine on this machine since I build it myself, and since then nothing ever changed, I am still running the exact same config that posed no problems before. Ever since I uninstalled and tried to reinstall the soft, it just won't launch for anything.

Anyone might have an idea of what's going wrong here? I am posting my DXdiag in case it helps you.

In advance, thanks.



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I can't comment on the first post, but as for Ludsama, please try to delete your oblivion.ini and try to launch the game again.


Hey. Oromish. Late come back, but I just tried your suggestion while I had time to spare, and it WORKED! I was just ecstatic at seeing the whole credits sequence running with no CTD :dance:

I can't comment on the first post, but as for Ludsama, please try to delete your oblivion.ini and try to launch the game again.

So a huge thanks to you. :thumbsup:

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  • 9 months later...

I can't comment on the first post, but as for Ludsama, please try to delete your oblivion.ini and try to launch the game again.


This worked for me as well on a Fresh Install with no mods at all. Just goes to show that f*****g with your ini is just plain dumb if your clueless

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Congrats on getting it working :thumbsup:

However this topic and all except that last post are nearly a year old. :tongue:

Closing topic as too old and may contain out of date info - please just start a new topic if you have anything to add or any other questions on this.

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