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How to make a "moveable" weapon display shelf?

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When placed in container, Drop() ref from said container and MoveToNode() ?


Is not required if the object already is a persistent ObjectRef with OMODS as OnItemAdded will already pass the unique akItemReference.


If the object does not have OMODS* it will just be a base form, so Drop will not work.


DropObject may pick any other of the base objects in the container including uniques. Say you add an unmodified pipe to a container that already has modified pipes it will take a heap of iterations to fish out the unmodified object. If you are interested I had to nail all that functional logic in auto OMOD stripper.


(*) and is not a quest item, in a quest alias etc etc that can make it unique/persistent.

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  • 3 weeks later...
An ordinary wall comes to mind. By rotating 360 degrees in the niche, the wall opens up access to the rear weapon attachment points. In fact, this is a regular animated door with attachment points attached to it. There is a tutorial on how to create animated doors. There are instructions for creating attachment points for weapons. You only need max 2013 and plugins for it from the creation kit.
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An ordinary wall comes to mind. By rotating 360 degrees in the niche, the wall opens up access to the rear weapon attachment points. In fact, this is a regular animated door with attachment points attached to it. There is a tutorial on how to create animated doors. There are instructions for creating attachment points for weapons. You only need max 2013 and plugins for it from the creation kit.

I know how to make custom animated doors, I already made some ...

But what do you mean with "rotating 360 degrees"? Then it would be in the same position as at the start of the rotation!


So I should "copy & paste" the attachment point from the "gun rack mesh" to a "custom animated door", so that it can be used like a regular gun rack AND as a "door"?

That sounds interesting, I will try that the next time I am working on this project, thanks for that idea!

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Yeah. Right. not 360, but 180. I imagine niches in the wall. The walls themselves have a kind of swivel mechanism. The wall rotates 180 degrees and its other side is an arsenal. Probably, you can hang such a "door" on the script from the autodoor mod, and it will be triggered when the player approaches. It will be spectacular. But, I have no idea if the meshes at the anchor points can move with the animated mesh. Maybe the weapon will fall off when the animation starts.In any case, the points must be linked to the parent object - the animation actor,with helper, and not just copied. That is, they probably need to be created in max along with the door, and not just copied into nifskop. Edited by South8028
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That is, they probably need to be created in max along with the door, and not just copied into nifskop.

How would that be done?

I know how to make "normal doors" and static objects in 3DSMAX, but that is pretty much it for my knowledge about 3DSMAX ...

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If something's refattached to a node, it will move with that node. Doesn't matter if the reference itself is getting moved, or if only the node moves due to some controller in the NIF modifying it.

You can add nodes to refattach to in Nifskope and you can even name them however you want. The only restriction is that the NIF must contain a node that's called REF_ATTACH_NODE.

If you want your added node to move with some other node in the NIF, make your added node a child of the other node.


One more thing is, once you've refattached a spawned reference to something, you will find yourself unable to rotate it or manipulate it's position. To circumvent this, simply disable the spawned reference (or spawn it as disabled), which lets you manipulate it's position/rotation even tho it's refattached. You can then reenable it and it will still be refattached.


You can check out Neeher's Holotape Shelf, which pretty much does what you want - With the notable exception that it doesn't have to care about OMODs etc. But of course there's other peculiarities with holotapes like distinct models for game and regular holotapes that differ in orientation and scale, which the driving script carefully manages. I know because I wrote the script.


If you were to turn these holotape shelves into "hidden" ones that rotate by 180°, you'd "simply" animate the whole shelf (root node) to rotate. The tapes would rotate with it, no problem.

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I will try to master nifskop. But it's more convenient for me to do everything in max. Animations of static meshes are capricious, and I have never seen anything similar to the work of animators among mods with static animations. Some kind of crafts inserted into the game not with the help of official tools, but in incomprehensible ways. I got the impression that a lot more people can animate bones for fo4 than animate meshes. Edited by South8028
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 That is, they probably need to be created in max along with the door, and not just copied into nifskop.

How would that be done?

I know how to make "normal doors" and static objects in 3DSMAX, but that is pretty much it for my knowledge about 3DSMAX ...

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