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[♥ WIP] Apocrypha 1: Dwemer Scientist


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You know Apocalypse? The megalomanic spell mod. It is pretty neat, but doesn't fit SkyRe's design vision, making it somewhat redundant in 2013. Also, the spells suffer from Skyrim "walking rainbow" syndrome where if you want to do anything with magic you end up wielding all sorts of colours and graphics with little coherence between them.


So, I'm working on (what will eventually be) 5 separate mods, each dedicated to a single tree and with a single functional and graphical language.


The first one will be dedicated to alteration in the form of dwemer technology! Expect radium beams, orbital lasers, unlocking doors from a distance with the power of magnets, and even balance!


Apocrypha 1: Dwemer Scientist (Alteration)

Apocrypha 2: Druid (Restoration) - TBA

Apocrypha 3: ...





20-25 unique spells, usually with multiple usage modes, and both heavy scripting and lots of custom models. They come in the form of staves and other equippable items, but some of them can also be learned as spells (with different visuals!).


There are 4 spell styles with their own graphics and sound set: Tech, Tonal (think dwemer "truenaming"), Robotic and Nuclear Lorkhanite.



I will do SCIENCE to them!

This shoots large magnetic spikes that hit opponents for damage based on distance - the only spell that is based on a spell I made previously. It now also scales with 1/ dual wield spell damage multiplier 2/ alteration skill 3/ a global variable which is user-configurable, in case you are using a different magic mod and it makes spells like this too weak/strong. You can also learn this spell by disassembling the staff, but then it shoots plasma balls instead of spikes.


There are just enough alteration nukes to make an alteration main with no destruction spells viable, but most spells are not about damage but about utility, as befits alteration. Of course you can utilitize enemies to death if you are clever about it...




Magnets! How do they work?








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There will be 20 spells total, of which 5 are damage spells and 15 are utility, and a bunch of clever items.



The staff for this one isn't done yet, and the learnable version will look like a regular spell instead of dwemertech. But the mechanics are in and working well. It also has a 0.2 second cast time because the only thing better than flying buzzsaws is more flying buzzsaws. That's the damage after scaling btw (1% per alteration skill level to match most common magic mods) (you can modify this using a console command to edit a global variable).


Dwemergent gameplay

This is Kinetic Hold. It's a laz0r that places a debuff on the target for 15 seconds. During this time, when the target is hit by a spell or weapon, it roots the target and reduces armor (by 100) and magic res (by 25%) for 2 seconds. Root doesn't mean stun and the target can still shoot you.


The learnable version has the advantage of being dual castable. If you do this, it (has increased duration as usual and) instead of a laser, it shoots a wide wave that hits multiple targets, saving time.


Edited by EnaiSiaion
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will this mod be dependant on Skyre? i dont use skyre because i feel it changes to much but im interested in this


It won't be... However there will be a compatybility patch for Skyre later on.

Hurry...hurry...i need this for my dwemer loving mage/assassin. ive got the dwarven mage armor, ive got exoskeleton, goggles and other dwemer artifacts like mechanical weapons. i have the Asteria. This is the icing on the cake.

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