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[♥ WIP] Apocrypha 1: Dwemer Scientist


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will this mod be dependant on Skyre? i dont use skyre because i feel it changes to much but im interested in this

It won't be... However there will be a compatybility patch for Skyre later on.

Hurry...hurry...i need this for my dwemer loving mage/assassin. ive got the dwarven mage armor, ive got exoskeleton, goggles and other dwemer artifacts like mechanical weapons. i have the Asteria. This is the icing on the cake.

What dwarven mage armor? :3



Ahhh... I found it... but it is a bit sad that it is an actual armor... lol... I was hoping it would be a cloth version. ;3

Edited by Tykiii
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will this mod be dependant on Skyre? i dont use skyre because i feel it changes to much but im interested in this

It won't be... However there will be a compatybility patch for Skyre later on.

Hurry...hurry...i need this for my dwemer loving mage/assassin. ive got the dwarven mage armor, ive got exoskeleton, goggles and other dwemer artifacts like mechanical weapons. i have the Asteria. This is the icing on the cake.

What dwarven mage armor? :3



Ahhh... I found it... but it is a bit sad that it is an actual armor... lol... I was hoping it would be a cloth version. ;3


this one yeah? i mix it up with dwemer exoskeleton, dwemer googles, a control rod like staff and other dwemer mechanical weapons from mods like dwemer autoblade, dwarven condenser and dwarven mechanical equipment. I got dwemer beards and i use the asteria as my home. This mod will give me the spells i need to finish the look. Actually nearly complete the look, i want a dwarven mechanical dragon mount but at the moment ill make do with dwarven horse armor.



Edited by JimReaper
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While I'm sick (again),

Let's hear what kind of spells you want to see in this mod!

Keep in mind it's alteration only and should be at least somewhat related to technology.

Fairly likely to be in:
- A floating radium lamp that charges up in sunlight and turns itself on in darkness.
- Some sort of magnetic speed boost.
- Draining armor/magic resist from nearby enemies.
- Bronzeskin.
- Loot detector.
- Weather machine.
- A smarter Adaptive Protection in amulet form.
- A cathode ray that deals increasing amounts of damage when kept pointed at a target.
- Mines.
- ...

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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I'd love to see some kind of steam mechanic for defeating the cold. Maybe a frost resist, immune to being frozen. It could help in mods like frost fall and stop cold effects in mods like wet and cold. It could be based on the steam pipes in dwemer ruins.


maybe a frog suit style helmet in dwarven metal for breathing under water.


How about a control rod of somesort that puts dwemer devices under your control. shoot it at a centurion and its a permentely follower until it is destroyed in battle. It's kinda like conjuration for dwemers but by making alterations rather than summoning.


I'd like to see something along the lines of bound weapon but in the style of a dwemer autoblade and a shield from the mechanical weapons mod. The only way this could work under conjuration and with tech more than magic is if you have to have a dwarven shield or sword equipped already and the spell alters the weapon to make it function like the bound items.


You could also make your own version of the dwemer goggles or just some dwemer tech that allows vision of dead body's in one colour and alive in another. A predator vision see thru walls thing.


How about shooting a spell at a table and it turns the table into an enchanting table or alchemy lab. For quick usage in a place with out these facilities.


How about a spell, control rod or something that you shoot at a chest and it stops the respawn on the chest so you can use it as storage then next time u hit a different chest that content is available. Kinda like midas dwarven luggage but with tech, a universal shared chest.

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Fairly likely to be in:

- A floating radium lamp that charges up in sunlight and turns itself on in darkness.

*drolls* Sounds soo cool :3

Is it going to be in an artifact form or a spell form? :3 Hmmm... I understand that it is going to be the Dwemer version of starligh... are you going to allow the caster to regulate the intensity of the light as you mentioned eariler?


Fairly likely to be in:

-Some sort of magnetic speed boost.

Hmmm... I dunno what conceprt do you have but maybe the speed boost can be steem themed?



Fairly likely to be in:

- Mines.

There could be two versions... one a damadge dealing... and the second one similar to Acceleration Rune. :wink:


Hmmm... about my spell ideas:


"Repair" - It allows you to "reanimate" an autonomi... works exactly like an reanimation spell... only that it can be casted only on an destroyed autonomi. The target of this spell is not affected by the blue undead aura and doesn't give off zombie sounds.... affects summon limit... only one autonomi at the time... can be dual casted to double the duration of the autonomi. Now the fun part comes... you can also cast this spell on an already "repaired" autonomi:

-single casting "heals" the autonomi and prolongs its existence for 60 seconds

-dual casting it sets the autonomi into an self destruct mode. The target slowly starts to loose health and the moment it drops to 0 it explodes dealing shock damadge to the nereby targets that scales with the level of the autonomi and the amount of the health the spell absorbed. :wink:


Haywire - I know it was orginally an illusion spell... but it is tech themed and it might not fit into the theme you are planning 4 illusion school.


Open lock - something that you can cast on the chest to open it that levels alteration... but you already mentioned the magnets earlier...



Maybe some steem damadge dealing spell - something like the attack used by the centurions... it could deal damadge and permamently decrease the target armor by an certain amount (corrosion)... dual casting could also have a chance to blow the smaller targets away by the pressure of the steem...


Edit.3 I retract it... after I thought about it this concept isn't cool enough... lolol


maybe a frog suit style helmet in dwarven metal for breathing under water.



You could also make your own version of the dwemer goggles or just some dwemer tech that allows vision of dead body's in one colour and alive in another. A predator vision see thru walls thing.


I second to that... The dwemer goggles mod is cool... but it requires the dwemer smithing perk to craft the googles... so it kinda isn't for mages.

There already is an "breath under water" enchantment in Skyrim... sooo...maybe... and breathing mask+googles style of helmet that is tagged as clothing (or clothes and armor version)... so it won't interfere with the mage armor perk?....

The clothes version could be combined with a hood... and so.. maybe a fortify magica enchantment on it would also be nice..... just like Skyrim mage hoods...



How about a control rod of somesort that puts dwemer devices under your control. shoot it at a centurion and its a permentely follower until it is destroyed in battle. It's kinda like conjuration for dwemers but by making alterations rather than summoning.

It sounds cool... but I am not sure it is a good idea considering that the earlier implementations of spells that make word creatures into followers caused some trouble... problems with the early versions of "Seduce" in the original Apocalypse, "Beast tounge" from Excellent Package.... and I have also encountered problems with the "Domination" vapire power from "Better Vampires"... I think that Skyrim in generla doesn't support this type of mechanics.


Edit. What is the concept of the bronzeskin?


Edit.2 Alsoo... the concept of the draining armor and magic resist spell is cool, weather machine, loot detector and adaptive protection amullet is epic. :wink:


and... another idea... hmmm since we have weather machine then maybe something like a time machine? Something that stops time around the caster for a few seconds (people stop moving... arrows freeze in the air etc.)

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While I'm sick (again),

Let's hear what kind of spells you want to see in this mod!


Keep in mind it's alteration only and should be at least somewhat related to technology.


Fairly likely to be in:

- A floating radium lamp that charges up in sunlight and turns itself on in darkness.

- Some sort of magnetic speed boost.

- Draining armor/magic resist from nearby enemies.

- Bronzeskin.

- Loot detector.

- Weather machine.

- A smarter Adaptive Protection in amulet form.

- A cathode ray that deals increasing amounts of damage when kept pointed at a target.

- Mines.

- ...

How about all of the above? But if I do have to rate then its the lamp, loot detector (unless the script will be too heavy), ray and mines. throwing bombs would be cool too (yes I know there is already a mod for that, but still).

All matter of soulgem powered gadgets would be cool, like maybe a spider-mount, stun-rays, mind-control helmets (the goofier the look the better), some sort of anty-gravity ray, telekinesis-like ray/spell to use on enemies and throw them down canyons and mountains, force-fields, shockers (electrocute in apocalypse, only in staff/raygun form), and don't forget flamethrowers and acidspitters (fuel could be made via alchemy).

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