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[♥ WIP] Apocrypha 1: Dwemer Scientist


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Dwemeric Thingy/Prototype Machine

Could be either apparel or weapon, in combat randomly causes.. things.

A bit similar to wabbajack, effects could be random and cast randomly.

Effect ideas:

Slow time

Speed time

Invisibility for player

Invisibility for enemies near

Life detect


ETC. But nothing too "Damageful", mainly it'd be just for fun, but it'd offer some roleplaying value and randomness.


Dwemeric Hummingbird

Projectile that is in the shape of a small bird.

Effect? No idea. Maybe similar to "Throw Voice", but that'd be just a copy of another spell then.

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I dunno about the birds, but random stuff sounds fun (another way to amuse oneself with torturing Nazeem, I hope there will be some effects that make his life hell, mwahahahahaha!!).


Who cares about Nazeen? I would love to dsipatch groups of bandits this way... and every one of them would die in a different wany. :D

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I dunno about the birds, but random stuff sounds fun (another way to amuse oneself with torturing Nazeem, I hope there will be some effects that make his life hell, mwahahahahaha!!).


Who cares about Nazeen? I would love to dsipatch groups of bandits this way... and every one of them would die in a different wany. :biggrin:

Nope, Nazeem takes precedence over some nameless pathetic bandits. Just killing him in different ways is not enough already, I need some creative ones!

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Nope, Nazeem takes precedence over some nameless pathetic bandits. Just killing him in different ways is not enough already, I need some creative ones!


Hehe... ok you got me there. ;) Imagine using rocket jacket on Nazeen. XD

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Dwemer magic is physical magic, and here are some objects you may come across.


Portal Network

Keep up with a connected world! This spell enables you to place one of four gateways to a portal nexus. Place one in your house, one in your mistress' house, one in your batcave and keep the fourth to access the network from anywhere.


Portal Passage

Shoot a large object that deploys this portal ring on arrival, while a similar ring appears under your feet. Activate one and warp to the other. These stay around for as long as you want them to.


Phalanx Mine

Not the only mine in town, but the first I implemented. It requires a specific staff. When the staff if used, it drops a mine at your feet that roots itself to the ground, then you can activate the mine to choose its fuze type (proximity or countdown) and detection radius/countdown duration. This particular mine shoots large spikes in all directions, causing bleeding damage over time and making your enemy look like a porcupine. Costs 1 dwarven metal ingot and you can have one mine at a time.


There will also be a variant: a barrel of explosives that goes off when hit.



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