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[♥ WIP] Apocrypha 1: Dwemer Scientist


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Woow... I must say that I am really impressed with the ideas presented till now. Everyone of them has this special something that makes it unique. I am also curious if this style will be continued in Apocrypha 2... 3 and so on. Hope they will have something similar... I mean... some spells for the Druid or Necrolyte can be presented in the form of stylish items...


Ahhhh... now I need to find something to dress my mage in some themed robes... those from the College of Winterhold are sooo boring. ;_;


About the new update... hmmm portal network sounds cool... and I love the fact that you need an dwemer ingot to produce the mine...

I mean when I play the mage there are soo many game objects that I have no use for... and now I will have a reason to salvage some of the dwemer metal parts from the dwemer ruins. :3

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Blowout Mine
Can be configured to trigger based on proximity or after a timer. It emits a steam blast that deals little damage, but throws enemies (and yourself if you get too close).


Blasting Charge

(Bottom right)


Portal Network

(Top left, bottom left)


Duplicate Gear

Sacrifice 5 Dwarven Ingots to dupe any weapon or armor in a flash of magic science.


Dimensional Shelter

Looking for a place to put your stuff and sleep while haunted by the ghosts of dwemer past? Look no further!


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Not sure about blowout mine (can't seem to think of any situation when it would be better than a shout/push spell/throw etc which can be aimed), but Blasting Charge looks awesome, although dangerous for companion/civilian/stupid guard safety.




I guess launching Nazeem into the air would be fun for a while, so I'll take, lol.

Edited by Hallabalooga
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I am actually looking forward to using the Blowout Mine. The thing with Unrelenting force shout is that in practice I always find a better shout to use at the moment... or my shout bar is already blocked and so I was always hoping to get the opportunity to throw someone off the cliff with normal magic. ;3

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Yeah... I know... but making an aim spell would have been a totall rippoff from the Unrelenting force shout...


Hmmm... maybe then giving the mine several charges would do the trick? Like... the number of charges depends on your alterations skill... so that you can use it to stop groups of enemies from exiting a room or block them in cramp spaces for a long time and so on… plus well using it on a cliff could make some of them fall down?

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Charges would be so awesome... you could use it with apocalypse spells like Ghost walk to go walk behind the enemy, put it in the hallway behind them, then insta return, say hello, they rush at you while their friends come rushing from further down impeded by your trap. xD That'd be so cool...

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