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What skyrim weapons/armor do you like to use?


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me I normaly use 1 handed swords or one handed axes


Vanilla weapons

so for weapons i like

dragonbane(cause I like katanas also use insanitys dragonbane on pc)

Dwarven Swords

Carved Nordic sword(both)

Dawnguard axe

Carved Nordic axe(one handed)


for armor

Wolf Armor

Dawnguard Armor(all are nice but mostly heavy)

Stalrim light


Telvanni Robes(my faveorite robes for playing a mage)

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for armors

Vanilla: Scaled Armor, Dawnguard, Dragonscale and Wolf Armor

Mods: Sicarius Armor (Masters of Death), Hunting Grounds, Dawnguard Paladin and Evil Mastermind


for weapons:

Vanilla: Nord Hero set and Ancient Nord Set

Mods: Tombstone (from Aries & Tombstone), Dread Knight Weapon set, Hunting Grounds Weapons.

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check this out http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19180/? same guy that made the red eagle one you use(this is my favorite weapon now because of this)


cant really say I like almost any armor mods


they are all ether 1 a simple retex, 2 frakenstein amrors with piese from multiple armors sometimes retexured( I hate these more that any kind) and yet things like immersive armors(which only does these 2) get like 300k downloads............these people must have never seen the kind of armor mods oblivion has where people actually made unique armor models.

Edited by toshiro88
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I use a slightly modified version of the journeyman robe with chainmail textures for the shirt bellow the jacket, then I use hand rags and leather boots. As for the weapons well I use jaysus swords and daggers.

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My main character uses Gungnir from JaySuS Swords and Aesir Armor, along with one of the Viking shields from Immersive Armors.


I much prefer fairly simple armors such as Steel Plate, Iron, and Fur. Same goes for weapons, never been a huge fan of Dwarven, Glass, Daedric or Dragonbone, unless it suits the character's theme.

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Armors: Always simple Light Armors...Never wear anything other than Fur or Leather in both vanilla and Modded, my two favorite Mod Armors are 'Regal Assassin' and 'Shadow Ranger'.


Weapons: Always Bows....The Ebony Bow in vanilla and Mods either the 'Black Mammoth Recurve' from 'Howie's Better Bows' or the the 'Hunters Roar' from 'Unique Bows'.


For Role Play and personal preference reasons I never use anything enchanted. Poisons are always in use though.

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