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The game, which worked for several weeks without a problem, suddenly freezes when I open any menu.

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Hi ...

At the outset, I want to note that I've been modifying Bethesda and other games since 2011, so I'm a "little" familiar with that. I was able to play with hundreds of mods without (you read well) CTD FO3 + NV, TES4, TES5, I use my own mods, utilities, etc .

I'm currently playing Oblivion and everything went well, no bugs, no anomalies, I finished and turned off the computer (that was yesterday). Today I turn on the computer and Oblivion freezes when I open any menu or when I reach the next level and move the cursor to the options. I must note that I have been playing with the current load order for TWO WEEKS without any problems.

How on Earth does the game work without a problem for two weeks and then it just doesn't work? Could this be due to a Windows update?

So far, if there was a problem, I always solved it, I also solved the problems of others, at the moment I'm clueless. I used LOOT for load order, I created a new Bashed Patch, I created a new ini file, I deactivated the last installed mods, nothing, the same - the game freezes in the menu. I even turned on the darkest black metal to expand my mind to other, unexplored dimensions of deep darkness, to come up with other unconventional solutions, nothing...

Sincerelly, fuk this game :laugh:

Thank you in advance for any help.

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You already guessed what would have been my first guess ... a Windows update.


To sort through other possibilities work through troubleshooting using a previous save, start a new game using your current load order and things like that which don't require the extreme troubleshooting step of re-installing and testing a vanilla game.

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Yes, 295 saves, the last one was corrupted and I think it was during the Win 10 update. Mindblowing.


Keeping and maintaining backups of save files is a very useful troubleshooting resource when the time comes for troubleshooting.


My current character's playing time is 5772 hours (character started back in 2014) and the latest save is save number 41256. I have certain saves that I regularly use for testing and troubleshooting (it's nice to have saves from all cities, both inside the city and just outside).


When troubleshooting I prefer to start with tests that will quickly confirm or eliminate things that are easy to test before I start tearing things apart.

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