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Fire/waterfall/door problems.

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My game started acting up slightly. Fire animations and waterfalls are lagging while everything else is running smoothly, and doors and gates when activated open reeeeaaaallllly slowly instead of the standered speed. Can anyone help me out please?

Edited by CommanderEwok
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Sounds like you may be running into (or have run into) the ABomb animation bloat bug. Try fixing your save game with the option in Wrye Bash.

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Oblivion Animation Fixer will work as well. If you use Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) make sure you rename your corresponding OBSE save as well.


Example ... after you run OAF on your save 'MySave01.ess' Oblivion Animation Fixer will give you a fixed save named 'OAF_MySave01.ess'. If you run OBSE you will also have a save named 'MySave01.obse'. You will need to rename a copy of that file to 'OAF_MySave01.obse'.


More complicated to explain than it is to do.

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I don't have Wrye Bash, what is it, and why should I have it?


It's a utility -- a 'Swiss Army Mod Tool' in Wrye's words. Read about it here. Why should you have it? Because it is the single most powerful tool for Oblivion modding, and as your mod list grows it will become not only indispensable, but quite necessary.

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I'm using Nexus Mod Manager right now, does it work with it?


No. Wrye Bash is NOT a mod, it is a tool like Nexus Mod Manager, but more powerful.

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There's no need to swap or transfer.


Wrye Bash is not only a mod manager. It can be used as such, but it doesn't have to. Meaning there is a mod manager included (called BAIN, BAsh INstaller), but you can still use others quite fine and only use Wrye Bash's save game fixing tools, Archive Invalidation means, or for example the invaluable "bashed patch" feature for using conflicting plugins without loosing the effects you want from each of them.

Wrye Bash has about a million more uses than any mod manager, but it doesn't necessarily have to be used in place of another mod manager you might prefer or are more used to by now.


That's why Wrye Bash is called a "Swiss Army 'Knife' (sorry, Wrye, but you missed that part) Mod Tool", as it has about as many different uses as the famous "Swiss Army Knife" does. And you can use each of them individually and separately without ever having to use any of the others.


For example, you use the NMM to manage your mod install and uninstall now, maybe even their load order, and this is absolutely fine. You can still go and fire up Wrye Bash and compile a bashed patch, then fire up the NMM again and reorganize your load order so the bashed patch is at the proper place in it. OR you can put it to the proper place with Wrye Bash's plugin ordering feature instead, BUT you don't have to. And you can of course always just fire up Wyre Bash and use its save game fixing tools to remove bloat or fix the ABomb bug of the Vanilla Oblivion game in them, which is the topic this thread is about, ONLY, without ever using it for anything else, IF you so choose.

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