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Looking for a mod


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First of all, excuse me for making this thread.

I've heard of a mod that lets you use the Big Moutain transponder to go back to your home (the sink) WITHOUT having to dismiss your followers. If I remember right, you just had to tell them to wait, and when you got back to them, they were still there, where you left them.

I wouldn't have made this thread, without a good reason.

I searched New Vegas Nexus for that mod with every possible keyword, I could think of that would work.


So please, if someone knows of such a mod, would you point me in the right direction ?

Thx in advance.


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I've heard of a mod that lets you use the Big Moutain transponder to go back to your home (the sink) WITHOUT having to dismiss your followers. If I remember right, you just had to tell them to wait, and when you got back to them, they were still there, where you left them.


Strange, that's teh way the transponder has always worked for me without any mod (companions told to wait, hope to teh sink, no problems).

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