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CTD & Black or Blueish Texures. Performance Logs Inside


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LP1, on 25 May 2013 - 22:42, said:

I think you need to consider RMAing your video card. Occasionally, even with great cards, one can have issues. I mentioned earlier in the thread that i have two 680s in sli and had to RMA one a while back. First video card I've had to RMA ever, and took me a long time to finally come to the conclusion it was the card. The thing with two cards is you can swap them out to see if one is causing the issues. Since they are supposed to be identical, you can isolate whether the problem is with your card versus the software or lther hardware.


I noticed during all this that skyrim is especially sensitive. Most other programs ran fine. Borderlands 2 ran mostl fine with only very occasional CTDs. With skyrim, I would go about 30 minutes before seeing some purple textures and soon after that CTD.


I did notice that certain texture mods, which I won't name because the problem was really with my card, caused me to CTD much, much faster than others. My setup is rock solid now, but I still avoid some of those mods.

The likely-hood of the problem being my video card is rather high given the circumstances. The problem DID start the day I installed the brand new card.

We have ruled out pretty much everything else that it could be. Unfortunately, I am probably way past my RMA period.


Even if I could still RMA it I would need a card and I don't exactly have money to burn atm. They would have to send me a card and I would send them the old one or something.

Edited by Darviela
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Ah, you're in good hands. Go here: http://www.evga.com/support/warranty/


You will need to have your original invoice. You don't need the box as the serial number is on the physical card itself. Just sign up, register your card, and then request an RMA. You can do it all online.


Edit: And by "original invoice," I mean you can print out your invoice from Newegg, etc, and that counts.

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They are cross shipping for me. The current card is actually causing the entire system to hang when playing skyrim. It's definitely the card. Thank you everybody who has provided assistance, when the new card comes and I start making videos again I will cite you guys as well as this community.


Update: The card arrives on monday. I have noticed a gradual deterioration in overall video stability including BDoDs that have video specific error codes. Skyrim also randomly turns whacky with rainbow colored geometry. This card is on it's way out.

Edited by Darviela
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  • 3 weeks later...

Replaced the Card AND the RAM.


Skyrim still hangs my pc, sometimes I see rainbow bricks in the sky and often the physics freaks out and flies all over the place.


When I have the money I am going to buy a new Mobo and CPU and just build from ground up. Skyrim is the only thing I have any problems with atm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you using a 32-bit OS?

Yes, Forced PAE kernel though. Skyrim is not capable of using more than 4GB of ram at any given time so having a 64 bit OS isn't necessary. I just didn't know it was so bad of a console port that I needed to use that command for the engine to properly use my resources.


I can have 5 processes running at once each using at max, 4 GB of ram. The only benefit of 64 bit is processes can use more than that at a time.

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