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Ya metal gear solid was a good example, the only game where i actually felt like the ps3 was struggling at some cut scenes, like in the plain the fps dropped when you saw the chickens for the first time.

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The future of windows looks grim under that IOS ceo, he might sink the Company a new low, may even hurt it in the long run, if not run it to the ground.


Steam OS might be what pc gaming may end up in if they go that route, its kind of scary if you ask me, the future of pc gaming and all.

If they go the way of the cell phone.

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Unfortunately, it is not so cut and dry. Rumored dev comments appeal to me less than actual benchmarks.




In multiple situations, the PS4's higher resolution is running at a lower framerate. While the PS4 still has the slight advantage, the advantage is not large enough to run the same game at a higher resolution while keeping 60fps. They might be safe at 900p, but 1080p is too high. The argument that "xbox can't handle CoD at 1080p" falls apart when you realize the PS4 can't either.




After the bricked console issue I cancelled my PS4 pre-order. I'll be buying it in a few weeks when I'm certain the issue is resolved. As for the CEO, if Elop is so bad, why would Microsoft make him CEO? They're not that stupid.

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The ps4 is running COD at 1080p 60fps.




Also you seem to have forgotten MS's record high rrod of 54$ ehh, time will tell who has the higher failure rate, unlike the ps4 2% failure rate before launch.




Facts and history will tell, considering ms's past.

Your missing out on greatest, and i silly cancellation over some minor bricked console which Sony Acknowledged they existed, unlike Microsoft refused to do anything about it three years ago. Until this day, they haven't truly fixed it just worked around it.

Edited by Thor.
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The future of windows looks grim under that IOS ceo, he might sink the Company a new low, may even hurt it in the long run, if not run it to the ground.


Steam OS might be what pc gaming may end up in if they go that route, its kind of scary if you ask me, the future of pc gaming and all.

If they go the way of the cell phone.


He's right in so much as Microsoft do need to focus more, they're fighting on too many fronts and losing out everywhere, Windows and Office are their real earners and that's where the investment should be going. They're losing $2 Billion a year on the Xbox, Bing is a black hole they've poured billions into, Windows phone has been a failure on an epic scale, Windows 8 was a mess and the less said about Surface the better. They need to stop aping Google and Apple and concentrate on what they do well.



Unfortunately, it is not so cut and dry. Rumored dev comments appeal to me less than actual benchmarks.




In multiple situations, the PS4's higher resolution is running at a lower framerate. While the PS4 still has the slight advantage, the advantage is not large enough to run the same game at a higher resolution while keeping 60fps. They might be safe at 900p, but 1080p is too high. The argument that "xbox can't handle CoD at 1080p" falls apart when you realize the PS4 can't either.




After the bricked console issue I cancelled my PS4 pre-order. I'll be buying it in a few weeks when I'm certain the issue is resolved. As for the CEO, if Elop is so bad, why would Microsoft make him CEO? They're not that stupid.


They made Bullmer their CEO and look what happened there, never underestimate corporate stupidity. As for COD on the PS4 it's being patched to solve the performance issues, the fact is the PS4 is the more powerful of the two and not by a small margin, Microsoft chose kinect over better parts are are now paying the price.

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Actually, it is a small margin (significantly less than 50% improvement). A large margin would be >50% improvement in performance, but this is not the case.


Ballmer didn't have a history of running companies into the ground. As for all the "unnecessary" things they have been doing, have you noticed their stock price? Since Windows Phone 8 and the Surface, their stock has gone up over $10/share since that started. Prior to that their major focus was Windows.




This article says otherwise regarding the xbox's profitability.

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Actually, it is a small margin (significantly less than 50% improvement). A large margin would be >50% improvement in performance, but this is not the case.


Ballmer didn't have a history of running companies into the ground. As for all the "unnecessary" things they have been doing, have you noticed their stock price? Since Windows Phone 8 and the Surface, their stock has gone up over $10/share since that started. Prior to that their major focus was Windows.




This article says otherwise regarding the xbox's profitability.


That article is over two years old, the one I posted is up to date. Xbox has not made a profit and it hasn't given Microsoft the living room space it so desired, their next attempt at capturing the living room (the XB1) has been a fustercluck from day one, it laid the companies problems bare for all to see, they've completely lost touch with consumers. The clever people have been replaced my marketing twonks, the same marketing twonks responsible for Windows 8 and Surface. Bullmers tenure has been a disaster, they've been left behind by Apple and Google, two companies who know what people want and how to make money from it. Windows is a licence to print money thanks to Bill Gates, if it wasn't for Windows Microsoft would have gone bust under Bullmer, as is the company is worth less now than it was in 1998.

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Actually, it is a small margin (significantly less than 50% improvement). A large margin would be >50% improvement in performance, but this is not the case.

It's actually 60%. The graphics memory bandwidth for PS4's on-chip graphics unit is about 60% larger due to using GDDR5 (dedicated graphics memory, 176GB/s graphical memory bandwidth) as opposed to DDR3 (system memory, 65GB/s graphical memory bandwidth), which results in being able to pump 60% more pixels while retaining the same exact framerate on the same overall hardware.


Rendering data statistics - Xbone is rendering 921,600 pixels per frame upscaled to 1080p in order to keep a stable framerate, PS4 is rendering 2,073,600 pixels per frame and it's framerate drops only occasionally (which could be VSync's fault as well, a few frames can drop framerate immensely with VSync). Basically, PS4 manages to render 125% more pixels and still gets the game running rather well, that's 2.25 times more than what Xbone renders per frame. And that's also with a rushed game that wasn't optimized well (there's a patch coming out as soon as it got released).


Now the real question is - how well would Xbone compare to PS4 while running COD Ghosts @1080p? My guess, 60% worse.




@jim_uk Microsoft shot itself in the foot and fell neck-deep into the septic tank. They tried to push themselves into every market they can, failed in every one of those, and started ignoring the one thing that brings in money - Windows. Another f***up like Win8 or attempted branching into a saturated market, and they might as well keel over and die.


Though I gotta admit, it would be fun to watch Microsoft going belly-up. :devil:

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many reviews cite how the Kinect will react to normal conversation by thinking its hearing something and reacting by unpausing the game or changing the channel. not only would this annoy me to no end, and theres nothing you can do about it because Kinect is required, but it also means Kinect is in fact, always listening.


dont get me wrong. the fact you can use your console as a universal remote is cool. but not a feature gamers care about in the least really. and not one worth having an always on, always watching/listening Kinect.


There is nothing Microsoft could do that would entice me to buy an XBone. yea they seem to have a decent line up of games that arent Halo, Gears and CoD, some of them even interest me, but we'll see how long that lasts.


then theres always the wonder if the next patch will re-implement a previously removed DRM. nothing is stopping them from doing that either.


I wont be getting my PS4 till hopefully february/march. just in time for Destiny. i pre ordered it for Beta access, but now im not too sure if ill be able to get the PS4 before the game launches, or in time for the Beta.



also i gotta take a minute to laugh everytime i see a comment that runs along the lines of "im a true gamer, i buy all the consoles. a true gamer would buy everything to have access to anything!" first off, i couldnt afford all 3 consoles (including the Wii-U here) by themselves, nevermind the games to support them. second, I consider myself a gamer. I get the best of the best of gaming by owning a solid PC. i will grab a console mostly for couch coop with my gf. i dont need 3 consoles for that, nor two! 9 times out of 10 if im playing a solo game its on PC and internet multiplayer (though rare excluding MMO) a PC as well. so i always laugh at all those types of comments who try to be superior because they will own both (or all 3) consoles...as i said earlier, even if i could afford an XBone i wouldnt, same with a Wii-U (and thats because im not the type to get excited for the new Mario or Zelda game)

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