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Xbox Reveal


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Oh absolutely. But I bet you it will come with the console on launch, and Microsoft will try to make out that it is not them doing the DRM but the game devs :P


Anyway, here is Total Biscuit's take on it -

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They're right, that's exactly what it is.



It includes potential scenarios to compensate users for viewing specific programming, watching commercials, or interacting with on-screen events as tracked by the Kinect. The latter may include tracking your lounge room to check you’re there, or asking you to "display a product that is imaged by a camera, and the computing system may identify the product".


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Part of me hopes you are right about RPGs being the big thing next "generation", but it's too early to make predictions like that :)


However, if it does indeed become the thing, I just hope the RPG genre doesn't get the village bicycle treatment like the FPS genre did in this "generation". There was once a time when I loved FPS games - those war/millitary ones too, including (brace yourself for this one!) Call Of Duty back in the day! But now I, and I think a lot of other people, are absolutely sick of seeing the things...


And I hope they don't dilute/dumb it down as much as they did with FPS games... But I bet you any money you want that they will :P


I have no hope nor faith in the gaming industry at all if I'm honest with you... A decade of uberhype-followed-by-dissapointment does that to you. Skyrim was the tipping point for me I think...


And when I watch things like the Xbox One reveal, I just burst out laughing when they throw in words such as "dynamic" and "innovative" all over the place. It's utterly ridiculous lol

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WOOOW there is a chance for a drm free ps4, will it happen is the question. PR move, maybe. :biggrin:




More evil news from M$ minions


MWAU HA HA HA HA HA you lose


Edited by Thor.
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