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Xbox Reveal


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You have a really good point, Nintendo is not with the times and IOS taking up most of its console base last gen was the tipping point for failure.

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Sorry to sort of Necro this thread, but theres some new info on the Xbox One out about a price drop and a non Kinect bundle. Heres a link to an Article.



And here's my take, and let me start off by saying i am a Playstation Fanboy. ive owned all 3 previous systems and will purchase a PS4 later in time for Destiny. i have not owned an Xbox and i dont see myself owning one.

I consider myself above a casual gamer. i have a high end PC on which i game on, i follow gaming every day, new games, reviews, stuff like this, etc, and while i can afford a new system and some new games here and there, i dont see it in my best interest to not only shell out for two systems, but the games for two systems. as the article states at the end, games are slowly becoming multi platform with long time PS exclusives like FF and MGS crossing over. as such, theres slowly less reason to buy two consoles anyways. however that said, i do believe PS still has the majority of exclusives to play. not counting previous titles of now cross platform games (like earlier FF games and every MGS game until now) theres still games like Uncharted, God of War, Killzone, Resistance (which was finished on PS3) Ratchet and Clank (though Insomniac now has an xbox exclusive in Sunset Overdrive) Ni No Kuni, and others still. the top Xbox exclusives are Gears and Halo, and now Titanfall on X1 (and on PC), while all are good and id buy if they were on PS (or PC), are not enough to get me to buy a console.

This price drop, and exclusion of Kinect is good. I was never interested in the Kinect anyways, neither its possible applications nor its always on mentality. so if I were interested at all in the X1, this is a good thing, as is the price drop. however Its too little too late and i wont be picking up an X1 because of the aforementioned reasons....Plus the majority of my friends are on PS3(4)



is this enough for you to purchase an Xbox One if you dont have one? if you were on the fence does this tip you at all? any other thoughts or opinions on this move?

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The price cut needs to make it cheaper than the PS4, matching it is no good, the machine is a lot weaker so still isn't worth bothering with. Also they've removed the only reason some may have for buying a XBone rather than a PS4, all that's left now is a weak console. This move may not be as clever as they think, they're going to upset developers who have released games requiring the Kinnect or who are developing games that require the Kinnect and as Sega found out, upsetting developers isn't a wise move.

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exactly what the article said....removing the Kinect could be worse, despite the people not wanting it. Previously Devs were to assume every X1 would have a Kinect, now some may not. Itd be like removing the Pad from the PS4 controller, or Sixaxis control, etc. Devs dont like optional stuff. look at the PS Eye and its handful of crappy games lol. even the Move really.


X1 still plays only at 720p, so for a same price console, which is slightly weaker with worse graphical output, the PS4 would still be the clear choice. as you said, unless they dropped below, matching does no good.

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sounds like youre whining, you be upset no matter what they did.


also they didnt just lower the price today, they remove the live gold restriction from apps. expanded free games with gold. before e3 MS is gonna in strong and will properly kill it. all the while sony brags about 1080p.... and 1080p..... and 1080p.... even asking devs to put games at 1080p even if the framerate takes a beating beside the fact neither console can run anything 1080p @ 60fps. so its a stupid thing to brag about.

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under phil spencer MS at e3 will be all about games


sony at e3 will be all about bragging about 1080p and showing the failure that is sony VR. face it sony sucks..... SUCKS HARD at making peripherals for their consoles. have any of them been successful?


eyetoy .1 for ps2 fail


eyetoy 1 ps3 fail


evetoy 2 ps4 fail


wii copycat thing fail


3d gaming fail


sony VR will fail


i see sony falling behind all the while they think they won a year ago

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sounds like you just dont like Sony. i pointed out im biased before i gave my opinions, i suggest you start doing the same, otherwise you just sound like some troll who likes to complain and you cant be taken seriously.


and idk who you were referring to being upset, but if it was me, i can assure you, youre wrong. i dont plan on getting an xbox, ever, so their moves dont "upset" me.


and at least Sony tries things. not necessarily new things, but regardless. Xbox clung to the Kinect because Kinect had massive potential. people dont want it. its as simple as that. the only people that want it are the Just Dance type gamers. everyone else knows its useless. idk about you, but when I Game, i like to relax ona couch or in a chair. not standing up waving my arms. and i dont really care to wave my hands at a TV to work the UI, im fine using a controller. and face recognition same thing, whoop de do. its all cool. features that dont hurt it by any means, and would be cool if PS4 had it sure, but they are gimmicks for the Kinect. using it in the simplest way possible. so Kinect is a Fail. and i cant make a list because what else has Xbox done? nothing.


and they expanded free games with gold...matching Sony again, Sony has had that for years. so as you say, they are "going in strong" but all they are doing is matching Sony. which makes sense, and yet they still have the weaker console. so they can never truly match Sony no matter what they do.


at this point Sony wont fall behind. there's nothing Microsoft can do to make their console the better. all they can do is match Sony at best. and they dont "think" they won a year ago..they did. i mean its obvious and to refute otherwise is just idiotic, for lack of a better term. look back on this thread, its clear Sony won. look at the numbers, its clear Sony won. hell, look at the numbers for PS3, Sony won then too, just not in America.



as i said before, im a Playstation person. always have been, and at least as of this new generation I still am. you dont need to try to convince me that xbox will somehow come out on top, or win, or what have you, because it wont happen. and even if it does, personally idc who wins as there will still be a PS5 and so on. ill still get the games i want on PS4 and i still have a gaming PC. im not a console gamer by a long shot. theres 2 games right now i want on PS4 and thats Infamous and Destiny. 9 times out of 10 ill get the game on PC over console anyways. if Destiny was a PC game you could bet your butt that id be getting it on PC over PS4.

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Talking about Jim since he complained about DRM then complained when it was removed

Complained about kinect and complained when it was removed.

Also the kinect is something no Sony peripherals has been. Successful. It might have done it kicking and screaming but it did.

I don't really care about numbers Wii sold more then the ps3 and 360 but it wasn't the "gamers" console and the X1 can become it while Sony is off chasing 1080p.

Phil Spencer is changing Xbox for the better while Sony think they have won the war. The only news from ps4 since e3 has been "it runs 1080p" and since neither console can run (most)games at 1080p@60fps its a stupid thing to brag about.

That being Said I'd rather get a ps4 since a lot of the Xbox games go on PC anyways.

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then you may ignore my statement about complaining.


to say it was successful, i disagree. it had potential. it worked. it could have been better. but it wasnt successful. success would be measured in how many selling games utilized a Kinect with good reviews, and how people took to it. now i dont have an xbox, so i could be wrong, but i dont see AAA games really using the Kinect any more so then PS3 games used the Sixaxis motion of the PS3 controller. same scenario, people didnt really care for it either. in either case. i never hear people being excited for Kinect, excited to hear a game uses Kinect, etc etc. so to say it was successful is just twisting reality. The concept is good, the hardware is pretty good and the software, and although it could all be improved greatly upon, Kinect was a step forward.


you seem to think Sony is going to do nothing because they have 1080p? what wins in a console war now? it certainly isnt exclusives, as each system is slowly getting less and less first part exclusives. when 90% of the games that come out are multiplatform, it isnt strictly the games that win a war. its hardware, its performance, and its reputation. the latter being the biggest. hardware is near identical (and to the masses it is) but with Sony winning the specifics. performance same thing, identical to the masses, but the info says Sony wins on that. Lastly is the reputation, which we all know Sony killed on that, especially to the masses. as the article says, people who dont follow this closely wont even know about Xbox changes, they are only going to know about what happened at launch last year...Xbox 360 was successful because parents heard about it and bought it for their kids. now those same kids are older, buying their own stuff, or at least having their own input on which system to buy. even xbox fans jumped ship because of reputation. and that is what will stop X1 from beating sony. the reason theres been no news from Sony since last E3 is because they havent had to have any. Xbox has had news because theyve had to change everything. them constantly being in the news isnt a good thing. its because so many things were wrong. again all they are doing is turning their console into what Sony had from the Start.

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