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Looking for new char inspiration


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Hopefully I've not put this in the wrong forum!


So, I'm going to start another playthrough because my current attempt at a daggers-only fighter is an abysmal failure. It's my worst, least enjoyable, play-attempt yet.


Anyway, I'm looking for a new interesting suggested playstyle. I usually play as a hunter/sniper type and while I enjoy it greatly, I'm leaving it along for now till some updates for mods I love come along! I've also recently played as a straight up warrior, both sword & board, and 2h greatsword (different chars. accelerated leveling to get to the fun stuff quickly :))


I always run with Life Another Life, all the 'unofficial' patches, all the DLC, texture, weather, water, and lighting overhauls, and a host of UI improvements. I occasionally do the immersion mods too for added challenge.

I usually play on Expert, or Adept when using SkyRe. Challenge is fine, quartering my damage output while doubling enemy health is not (ok, maybe slight exaggeration there).

I've got most of the major game overhauls in NMM, and I'm happy to try any of them if they particularly suit/challenge an interesting playstyle.


Thanks in advance for any replies and/or suggestions!

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I noticed that you haven't played as a mage (according to your post) so you might want to give that a try. I never played as a mage (I generally dislike magic in games) but out of boredom I tried it out once. Well, it was quite interesting making things explode.

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Like you I usually play a Sniper....he is also aggressive, courageous and pro-active. He aggression and courage actually gave me the idea for a new kind of character I decided to try and she proved very challenging and a whole lot of fun. She's a Pacifist....I RP'ed her as young, very scared and way out of her depth, in every way the complete opposite to my primary Dovahkin.


I chose the Breton Race for her and admittedly had to use Mods and the console (Spell Tomes needed from the start) and drop down to 'Adept' to make her playable....Her specialties were 'Illusion', 'Restoration', 'Alteration', 'Speech', 'Stealth' and 'Archery' (Archery for the undead, the only creatures she killed....Draugr and Skeletons).....Illusion and Stealth proved the most essential....Her kill count for both Humanoids and Animals was tiny and all accidental.


She was a lot of fun and a very unusual experience and so I would recommend trying out a Pacifist.... :happy:

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thanks for the replies and info!

Billyro, I've played as a mage, just not recently. Destruction is cool to begin with, but becomes boring quite quickly.


I think i'll do a 'party leader' build, but slant it toward me being either a necromancer or a summoner. Can imagine it being a lot of fun :)

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Her kill count for both Humanoids and Animals was tiny and all accidental.


that sounds fantastic. What a challenge too, kudos to you for even trying it!


Yeah ok, I'll give that a shot instead of the party leader. It sounds like it'll be difficult but awesome :)

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Her kill count for both Humanoids and Animals was tiny and all accidental.


that sounds fantastic. What a challenge too, kudos to you for even trying it!


Yeah ok, I'll give that a shot instead of the party leader. It sounds like it'll be difficult but awesome :smile:

If you want any info on how I made her playable....the Mods I used, the Tomes consoled, protection choices for her....such as I used the Lord Stone, etc...I would be happy to give you the list.... :happy: ....Have fun, playing a Pacifist completely changes so much in Skyrim.

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