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Everything posted by perrob

  1. In response to post #37050360. #37050425 is also a reply to the same post. done properly, it encrypts all web traffic to/from the site. that means no-one watching your connection should be able to tell what you're up/down-loading or looking at on that site.
  2. I had plenty errors. loading up my normal shortcut page ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/? ) gives a page where the navigation buttons don't work. Loading mod pages directly, files, description, posts, etc... none work, all give the 'E' where the text should appear. Manually entering https:// in front of the link in nav bar sorts it out; files download & can switch between posts/files/description without problem.
  3. In response to post #24862529. #24864589, #24864824 are all replies on the same post. Vesuvius- really? You can speak, conclusively, for every mod author out there? No. You don't, can't, and you're provably wrong regardless - several mod authors signed up *BEFORE* this all blew up. Several have tried - on the Nexus!!! - to charge via donations - only sending out updates to those who donated. While, IMO, that's wrong, it has happened in the past here, showing that some authors have always wanted a way to charge for their work. There are many mod authors who, while doing it for the love of it, or the experience of it, or whatever!, are ok with giving it away. Some though, also like having the option to charge for something they spend more time on. The 'get a job' thing is just total crap. What if they have a job? Are they not then entitled to still make some money from the thing they created? What if they can't get a job - through ill health, disability, familial circumstance, or whatever that is none of your or my business? Still not allowed to charge? I think you need to apply a little empathy when thinking something through from another's point of view. It's startlingly unfair to accuse mod authors of greed if they ask for money. And in the end, if you don't want to pay for the mod... don't pay for it. That part, at least, IS in your control.
  4. the 'mod' author is posting in other topics, telling other people they can improve their image quality and/or FPS by using her modlist. I'd say it was a very deliberate attempt to see how many people (s)he can get to use her modlist under verifiably false pretences. With that in mind, I'm not sure it'll just disappear/fade away. There was an entire topic discussing exactly what the mod list (s)he put together actually did, but it's been moved/hidden. I don't understand why the mods aren't doing something about it.
  5. Yeah, I check the site several times a day too and have this issue every day with several mods. I'm surprised there're not more people complaining - unless it's maybe a user account problem? It's a pretty big deal IMO.
  6. Happened a few more times, but most recently this morning with Alternate Start - Live Another Life being updated with no notification alert - although with it showing on the notification menu.
  7. just like to chip in: on the permissions button on the patches page you linked to, it specifically says the following: " Modification permissionhttp://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/contents/images/icons/tick.pngYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator" hope that helps you!
  8. Related to the tracking centre, but not the exact same issue I think... I am not getting alerts for every mod I track that is updated. It is *very* hit and miss right now. I might get a notifcation for a mod or two, but when I go into the tracking centre properly and look through the list I find I've not been notified of a great many updates. Most recent example is the latest RaceMenu update (2.8.6). This never showed in the notification area, but when I went into the tracking centre it was 2 on the list (dated today, 15th July). Also happened with Expanded Towns and Cities (update on 12th July), Civil War Overhaul (14th July), and Dragon Combat Overhaul (12th July). This is not even close to an exhaustive recent list. I am 100% confident in saying I never received a notification alert on any page on the nexus for these mods in the last few days.
  9. In response to post #12445910. #12455005, #12459020, #12460295, #12461435, #12462140, #12465570, #12467460, #12467845, #12478750, #12480145, #12487255, #12517300, #12521745 are all replies on the same post. @115MAGGOT115 - If you don't believe a beta is close to the finished product then it's either wilful blindness (because EVERY SINGLE MMO BETA in the last 10 years has changed only superficially since open beta to launch, and many from closed beta), or you don't read any MMO/beta news at all. Sorry, I know that's harsh but its also undeniably true. A BETA is by definition feature complete with only bugfixing and polishing left. TES:O is an ok MMO, and a very poor TES game. Apart from some names (people, places, spells) you wouldn't honestly know it had anything at all to do with TES! Seriously. A month of hard work and you could turn this game into "The Blargeflange Tablets - Online!" and no-one would ever realise it was originally TES:O.
  10. In response to post #10427853. #10428246, #10428685, #10442744, #10443078, #10444217, #10444324 are all replies on the same post. the premium membership does not, at any point, promise service availability, uptime, or compensation. It does offer benefits to using the site which as a lifetime member you obviously think are worth it (I do too, but I'm on a recurring 3 month membership for now). Don't begrudge non-lifetime premium members a few days 'free' extension dude, it's just seems a bit mean-spirited.
  11. i came across this in a house mod once. It was a while ago, and my memory isn't great, but I think the fix was to do the following: turning the non-working mannequins 45deg off the direction you want leave the Xmarker in the proper original direction it should sort itself out in game.
  12. I asked for this a while back. No response :(
  13. that sounds fantastic. What a challenge too, kudos to you for even trying it! Yeah ok, I'll give that a shot instead of the party leader. It sounds like it'll be difficult but awesome :)
  14. thanks for the replies and info! Billyro, I've played as a mage, just not recently. Destruction is cool to begin with, but becomes boring quite quickly. I think i'll do a 'party leader' build, but slant it toward me being either a necromancer or a summoner. Can imagine it being a lot of fun :)
  15. I think the only true answer is 'it depends', sorry! If you're running skyrim without big texture packs (inc official HD) then it's unlikely you'll see a huge performance leap switching Skyrim to the SSD. On the other hand, switching your OS to the SSD will definitely improve windows boot time! If you don't want to reinstall windows just yet, you could try moving the Windows swap file to the SSD along with Skyrim. That should boost general performance somewhat too. For me, with lots of big texture packs installed, my SSD makes a big difference to load times. It's not a placebo effect: I have 5 skyrim installs, 2 on the SSD and 3 on HD; the difference is annoying! :)
  16. Hopefully I've not put this in the wrong forum! So, I'm going to start another playthrough because my current attempt at a daggers-only fighter is an abysmal failure. It's my worst, least enjoyable, play-attempt yet. Anyway, I'm looking for a new interesting suggested playstyle. I usually play as a hunter/sniper type and while I enjoy it greatly, I'm leaving it along for now till some updates for mods I love come along! I've also recently played as a straight up warrior, both sword & board, and 2h greatsword (different chars. accelerated leveling to get to the fun stuff quickly :)) I always run with Life Another Life, all the 'unofficial' patches, all the DLC, texture, weather, water, and lighting overhauls, and a host of UI improvements. I occasionally do the immersion mods too for added challenge. I usually play on Expert, or Adept when using SkyRe. Challenge is fine, quartering my damage output while doubling enemy health is not (ok, maybe slight exaggeration there). I've got most of the major game overhauls in NMM, and I'm happy to try any of them if they particularly suit/challenge an interesting playstyle. Thanks in advance for any replies and/or suggestions!
  17. In response to post #7634227. #7634317, #7634389, #7635222 are all replies on the same post. Norton sucks IMO. it's a huge resource hog and unless you turn on the most intrusive and system-crippling options, hugely ineffective. Avast! is in the same boat. I don't care that it's free, it's bloomin' awful software. AVG hasn't been worthwhile since the years before they released a "parallel" paid option. If you don't trust MSE (I do btw. I've used it exclusively since Windows 7 was released and its caught everything that I was unlucky enough to allow onto my computer, but I appreciate others may not share my opinion/experience), then I'd recommend going with ESET's NOD32. It's a paid option, but not expensive and is very well regarded.
  18. Hi, Would it be possible to have a settings which meant when I click 'download manually' it automatically comes from the server I've specified? I mainly use the skyrim nexus site, though also morrowind & oblivion. It would be great for the times when i'm not downloading directly to the NMM that it only took me 1 click (i.e. download manually) for the file to start downloading. I did a quick search and didnt see this mentioned on the first page of results, hopefully I've not overlooked an answer or obvious setting doing exactly what I'm asking! Thanks
  19. i honestly prefer skyrim to oblivion, but i cant wait for my next oblivion playthrough. i just wish there was an awesome graphics upgrade that didnt give everyone 80s hairspray hair and make elves look ridiculous. btw, is there a 'best' mod for helping me play as a necromancer?
  20. I just released my first mod and assumed the 'Publish' setup was the normal behaviour. My experience of it was that everything was straightforward and worked in a logical way. Kudos to you for the sensible approach and actually telling your users what's going on!
  21. I have adblocker blocking almost all of my ads by default. I've lots of reasons for this but in all honesty it's mostly because I find them an intrusive annoying mess that distracts me from what I'm trying to do. I signed up to be a premium subscriber when I started visiting the site every day, thinking that it was only fair since the service I'm getting is excellent. Oh - idea here - let me endorse a mod from the nexus mod manager. I'd be better at remembering to do it then. edit: just realised there is a button for this. hah! Make it so I can click the star on the line though, please. I'll only forget its there again otherwise! :) (me being easily distracted & not remembering to endorse isn't me being lazy, i'm on strong pain medication and these are side effects!)
  22. I don't really see this as an attempt to squeeze money from customers. It's just business. The core game is more than a year old, of course it'll be relatively inexpensive now. New DLC that adds a big chunk of game-hours should be a decent price. I want Bethesda to make money from this, I love their Elder Scrolls games and want them to make more! It's basically like this for me: Awesome open game + bugs (only fair to mention them) + regular new content + the best modding community in the world = me giving Bethesda my money, because they're worth it!
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