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Force-Edged Weapons?


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Is it possible to make weapons that are scripted so that their power attacks produce a shockwave? It could be invisible, elemental, or just pure, unadulterated Fus.


Basically, regular attacks do regular damage at regular range, while power attacks make the very fabric of existence tremble. I'm thinking, maybe, a set of legendary weapons, scattered across Skyrim, guarded by stupid-strong bosses that wield them...one for fire, one for shock, one for frost, and one for force. They could be enchanted, or non-enchanted, maybe have 2 esp files, one for each...unique meshes for each one, or a single unique mesh with varied VFX on each blade...I'm thinking red/yellow/orange for fire, blue/white for shock, and white/whispy/windish? for frost...


Anyways, if anyone wants the full extent of my idea, as it's probably a case of TL;DR already...just PM me.

Note: I do NOT have Dragonborn, nor will I be able to acquire it until Legendary Edition comes out. So a non-DB-dependent version would probably work best, unless that's just not possible.

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Step 1: Make a spell with a shockwave explosion.

Step 2: add a script to the weapon

Step 3: Make the script register for the powerattackstart animation event

Step 4: Make the script cast the spell when it sees a powerattackstart animation event.


pretty standard fare, you see this in a lot of combat mods, but usually they don't bother with AoE shockwaves, because that can be kinda OP.

For example, TK combat lets you throw magical knives on power attacks instead, and other mods do other things.

The script isn't fundamentally different, it's just a matter of what spell you cast.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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Step 1: Make a spell with a shockwave explosion.

Step 2: add a script to the weapon

Step 3: Make the script register for the powerattackstart animation event

Step 4: Make the script cast the spell when it sees a powerattackstart animation event.


pretty standard fare, you see this in a lot of combat mods, but usually they don't bother with AoE shockwaves, because that can be kinda OP.

For example, TK combat lets you throw magical knives on power attacks instead, and other mods do other things.

The script isn't fundamentally different, it's just a matter of what spell you cast.


I know absolutely nothing about scripting...that's why I'm posting it here for someone else to make. Haha.

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I'm not at my computer so i cant check if "PowerAttackStart" is the right name for the animation event but this is basically the script you need:


EVENT OnInit()
    RegisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "PowerAttackStart")

EVENT OnPlayerLoadGame()
    RegisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "PowerAttackStart")

EVENT OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
    IF akSource == PlayerRef

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Just an update, I'm currently diving into the CK to get it started...I have absolutely no scripting experience, so this is going to be good for a laugh. I'm going to start by just adding this script to a vanilla weapon and giving it a unique ID.

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Okay, I dunno what I did wrong, but I got absolutely nowhere with this...I'd really just rather someone else do it for me, as looking at the scripts and trying to figure out how to fix them is giving me a headache.

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