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Modding Discussion for Dark Souls 1/2/3 and Dark Souls Remastered

Nexus Mods

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Might be a bit late but, you could download the game illegally on steamunlocked or smt I think it's morally acceptable to do this since you already own it and jst need it in english
  3. Seamless Co-op is coming to Dark Souls III, from the creator of the Elden Ring Seamless Co-op mod. You can follow the project at the link below. https://ko-fi.com/post/Announcement-Dark-Souls-III-Seamless-Co-op-B0B71A6IWD
  4. What about wearing more weight lol? Like, there is three different types of fat rolls, each one takes different frames in total, 46, 47, and 48, yeah all have 11 iframes but iframes are not everything, recovery frames, specifically the excess thereof makes the game harder.
  5. You need a sort index, It should be a 4 digit that starts with 31 (because it's a pyromancy) then edit spell category to pyromancy, reference type to special effect and i am sure you know the rest (I am actually not sure but you can simply copy from another weapon buff but swapping the word miracle or sorcery to pyromancy.) And show hidden fields, Edit these little goodies to match actual weapon buffs, Don't forget that spells are in the spells section, Obviously.
  6. Hi there! I have exhausted all my options and knowledge of the game and modding. I'm honestly a begginer and I thought this project would be very easy, as it's a simple idea. Well, here's the idea/request... Changing the player models Global Scale. Sounds simple enough? I played a mod for Dark Souls 3 called "Tiny Souls" it's a challenge mod linked here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/136?tab=description where you can play the game.. TINY! It's amazing and so fun and a completely different experience to enjoy the game! I wanted to do this in Dark Souls 2 but I am finding out that it is extremely difficult and probably not possible? I have dug into Cheat Engine paremeters for hours upon hours downloading an extensive amount of random Cheat Tables to hopefully find this setting and the closest I was able to get was modifying the character parts ie legs, head, chest size... but this doesn't actually scale down or up the player model. It's almost as if there's an invisible unchangeable rig underneath it all and I cannot, for the life of me, find the parameter to change this rigs scale. If anyone knows of a way, or is willing to dig into this for me I would be greatly appreciative!
  7. i would like to see mod that when Dark Anor Londo spawns, i would have new enemies spawn as well such as, Ghosts,Pyronecromancers,skeletonwheels,Hollow Thieves with hidden body,in replacement of silverknight archers we can use the Toxic tree Mokujin from blightown. Pinewheels maybe is good idea in dark as well. Darkwraiths roam around everywhere.
  8. In the I created content myself in this. Unfortunately, I can no longer so to a health problem. I suffer from epilepsy, and in 3D has become much more difficult to for me, almost impossible. For example, camera movements that not a problem me before are now impossible to handle. Blender, for instance, has become very hard to use, which is a shame because I have had a dream since childhood. My dream is to model in 3D a character that I created from a drawing I made as a child. This would help me, through art and my, in the fight against my epilepsy. It might a bit kits, but seeing this character would truly be a of my childhood dream coming true.
  9. Sandevistan is an operating system in Cyberpunk 2077. It allows the player to slow down time while retaining all ability. I imagine this would make the game pretty easy... Maybe balance the effect with hp or fp drain. Also, I suppose it would be equipped in the useless covenant slot or it could be an infinite-use item like the red-eye orb. (PvE only of course) CyberSouls 3 please PS. I have no technical ability otherwise I would make it myself
  10. I agree with you. I also think that this needs to be added to the game!
  11. I'm asking here because I know nothing about param modding or level editing. How feasible would it be to tie most of the Scholar specific enemies to certain sin levels, so that the game doesn't evolve into a total gankfest unless you've played the game like a really crappy person? I know a mod came and gave up to restore vanilla placements, which is a tragedy because I found the vanilla experience superiour, but even new placements would be alright if their encounter density was reduced initially.
  12. It would not be bad if there was this armor in Lothric, purchasable and upgradable to +20 from André(If you want this armor, you will have to sweat 1000 shirts to get it since each piece costs 150,000 souls and to upgrade it to the maximum I need 80 titanites). Plus I would add a Description: An armor that looks like it came from a distant land forgotten by time. Forged by the Father of Giants in the furnace of the first flame, it seems to give the possessor a power of protection beyond imagination against the darkness itself, thanks to the embers employed in the forging. Weight: Light. Increased Protection: 95% on Bleed, poison and toxicity, frost and curses and 65% on fire, lightning and 100% on dark. Decreases stamina consumption rate by 45% and increases its recovery rate by 25. Name of the armon in game: Armor of the Last Giant.
  13. https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/578 there was a mod in here that allowed us to equip untrue dark ring on the covenant slot, does anyone here still have the file for it?
  14. Hello, could only find 3 mods that enhance pvp things. But I am looking for a mod that disables PVP but keeps messages and stuff alive. Yes, yes pvp is part of the "experience" etc. I know, I know aaaaand I don't care. Would be really nice if anyone knew a way. This Question would also count for Dark Souls 2 + 3 Thanks for any help
  15. Hello. I've recently got back into playing dark souls 2 after who knows how long. My brother and I have downloaded Seeker of Fire and the ds2 Multiplayer overhaul, but they do not work together. I am asking for help or advice or at least getting help started going into the right direction. I have UXM downloaded, but I haven't messed with it yet because I don't want anything to mess help. Any help is appreciated
  16. Hi, I was wondering if anybody could make a mod to add some hotkeys similar to WoW, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for using different consumables or switching to different weapons/spells. For example, I assign 1 to Estus flask, 2 to green blossom, 3 to gold pine resin, 4 to fireball --> then when I press one, it automatically toggles through my consumables to select Estus then automatically hit the use consumable button. Similarly, when I hit 4 it switches my spells to fireball and then casts the spell. Thank you!
  17. tried to install a couple mods, some textures using texture repacker, a few sound mods, and re-remastered. it worked fine until i installed some mods with sound, and now the game plays audio for just a second at the title then goes silent. i uninstalled and verified files but nothing. After uninstalling i deleted everything in the steam ds1r game folder/ Other steam games work fine with audio. Not sure why its still broken after uninstalling and deleting ok nvm after applying mods it set game and sfx audio to zero in game
  18. We are in 2024 is time so a sweer soul port elden ring jump to ds3 I could be very Happy is this happens someday
  19. I'm Persian and i want to make a Persian subtitle for DarkSouls but i don't know where to start, I don't even know if that is possible to make a sub that is compatible to both DS1 PPTD and remastered, I would appreciate any help given, TNX for reading.
  20. Recently, I started playing the Souls games. I finished Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 1, and now I decided to start Dark Souls 2, but I don't like the enemy limit at all. The cheat link is not working, is there another link or something else?
  21. Have just discovered this on stream, and I'm super impressed. I had no idea this was something you could do as a modder. I'm curious if anyone could share the workflow for taking assets and animations and stitching them together? If the workflow is something I'm capable of, I have some ideas on mods I'd like to make this way.
  22. Is it possible to mod the Dragon Form in DS3 into Black Dragon Armor from DS2? If so, I would really love to see it works for DS1 Remastered too. I used photoshop to edit both of the pictures from Dark Souls 1 Remastered and Dark Souls 3 with the Black Dragon Armor in it to express my wish for it to come true. https://imgur.com/Mghmp1y (DS3) https://imgur.com/xSf5afn (DS1 Remastered)
  23. Trying out Scorched Contract, ran into an issue after using the unpacker. My gameplay looks like... This. Just the gameplay, not the menu, not the hud, nothing. I have... No idea what this might be about, any thoughts? EDIT: I was wrong, it was the AA setting.
  24. Someone know what kind of avatar DS uses? Head parameters edited like meshform or bones?
  25. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a method to create multiple characters iteratively in Dark Souls 3. I'm aware of the game's mechanics and mods, and I'd like to generate 'n' characters using pseudorandom data. For example, I'd like to find a way to import CSV or text files with allowable parameter ranges. Character preservation isn't necessary; I'm only interested in capturing screenshots from different angles after each iteration and saving parameters of created characters. These screenshots should be saved on my PC with specific sequential names, and the character parameters and corresponding screenshot numbers should be recorded in a text file. Is it feasible to accomplish this using the game engine or mods?I need a method that will provide access to the character editor.Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
  26. Replicating a specific Reshade preset can be challenging, but you can try searching online, asking in gaming communities, experimenting, or contacting the creator for guidance.
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