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The Revolution Controller!


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Yeah, you're right, I was only talking about what the site said I do have no idea what I'm talking about...


But I would like to know, does this mean that the add-on could be a "must" for a few games, as the gameboy advance was for some with the gamecube. Also, speaking of gameboy, are they going to have some sort of connectivity with a DS or something ridiculous, hence forcing you to actually buy a DS if you want to unlock all of the special features?

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Ok, it's obvious anything I say will change your minds. But for those Rev-bashers [and PS3 lovers], take a glance at this:

Magic wand

PlayStation gamers are always looking for exciting new ways to control the onscreen action, but using a camera to track a player’s body movement has not worked reliably, admits Sony. The camera gets confused by other things in the room.


Sony’s new idea is to plug a webcam into the console, and give the gamer a handheld wand similar to a pocket flashlight. The wand has a battery, a few mouse-like buttons and several different coloured LEDs that can be switched on and off in various combinations.


By pressing the buttons and waving the wand towards the webcam, the gamer can click to shoot aliens, drag-and-drop images on screen and navigate menus.


The webcam is tuned to see only pure bright colours and map their motion in space, so it can ignore ordinary room lights. And if two people have wands with different coloured LEDs, they can play against each other...


Basically like the Rev, except it uses a camera instead of sensors. How awesome is PS3 now?


P.S. I still maintain that the PC is the best gaming "unit."

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  • 1 month later...

I think its quite early too judge.. I mean it isn't even out yet and i know its a bit ugly but it might be a great success.


Be patient lads, lol u never know might be even better than the ps2 controller!


Anyway I'm not as into consoles as most people are, PC all the way for me.

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  • 1 year later...
I know this thread is OLD as hell :ohmy: , but I think the Nintendo "Wiimote" is something altogther different. Not the traditional game pad we're used of seeing, but it is rather innovative. It's the one thing about the Wii that I'm looking forward to. The whole concept of the Wii sets it apart from the other two consoles. While is doesn't offer as many features as the PS3 or Xbox 360, it is a step in the right direction for Nintendo.
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