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A two-parter question relating to Bethesada and Copyrights for modding. If I use resources from other Bethesda games will this be copyright infringement? And if not, will this mean I could use resources from "Dishonored", the game was published by Bethesda, but made by Arcane studios, though I didn't get any detailed info on which one of the two holds the copyrights.

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Pretty much, without express written permission from Zenimax Media, you may in no way use any resource from another title, in any other title, regardless of who owns it. Not only does this forbid things like Doom, Wolfenstien, or Dishonored being used in Fallout or the Elder Scrolls, but any other title.


For certain studios, ala CDPR or IIRC GSC GameWorld, have limited useage licenses that allow for freely distributed non commercial useage of assets (mods, machinima, etc). If you are interested in using a games asset in a mod, you would need to contact the studio, and get that permission on record, which is extraordinarily rare.

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The only way you can use assets from another Bethesda game is IF your mod uses an asset converter, and there-go the person downloading the mod already owns that content on their end, and uses the asset converter to convert the game assets from game one, to the game your mod is being downloaded for. You cannot strip, repackage, and redistribute game content without written consent of approval from the game publisher even if it is between two of their products. This is why 'Tale of Two Wastelands' get's away with it, because you already own the content on your end, they just supply the converter.


This having been said, unless you have detailed knowledge on computers as to draft a converter program of your own... you're screwed.

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On a semi-related note, I do remember this mod back in Skyrim used assets from the MMORPG "TERA," and the author got permission from En Masse Entertainment to use them, which was pretty generous, IMO. So... If you really want to, I guess you can ask. The worst they can say is "No" and if you get no reply, then take that as a, "No." Best? They give the green light.

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