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To Burn or Not to Burn


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When campaigning in a group(I usually have from three to five followers in the field), with a fireballing mage on the team, there will

inevitably be friendly fire incidents. As a result of collateral damage to the team, there will inevitably be a rather sizable donnybrook

amongst the offended team members, with weapons drawn and general mayhem for quite some time since all are essential. This is

a bit annoying to yours truly as it delays dismemberment of monsters, vamps, or whatever.


Bearing in mind that I run UFO at the moment and have checked the boxes that instruct everyone to ignore friendly fire damage, what's

to be done...other than leaving the offending mage at home? Of course, part of the problem stems from the fact that a lot of modders

tend to create mages that are insanely perked and generally OP. I suppose that's because they want a mod that they can run solo

with and still have lots of protection. Anyway, the upshot is that I tend to delete the offending mage and resort to running a Necro...if

I take any spell slingers.


Does anyone have a solution to this burning question?



















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I actually never use companions because of reasons stated above and generally the way Beth games handle companions is extremely terrible, more of a nuisance than help, plus I tend to be that particular mage with fireballs way too often.

What I can suggest is searching for separate mod which removes damage from AOE spells to and for friendlies, there should be some based on Companion's Insight (Dragonborn DLC).

Another solution might be ability to manually tweak mage companion to make them use only single target spells, not sure if any mod provides that possibility, but I believe through console you can add/remove certain spells for anyone.

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