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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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"YOU HAVEN'T DONE A THING, ALL YOU'VE DONE IS TOLD SOME PEOPLE TO REMOVE SOME WOOD FROM MY CHEST!!!!!!!" Johnson shouted now needing to be patched or risk too much blood loss.
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" We don't carry anything for this onboard Johnson just patch up the blood with this." Alexander passed him a rag remaining calm. Alexander was already becoming annoyed with Johnson he thought that he would be difficult to...Cooperate with... Edited by AnotherAverageName
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" We don't carry a doctor onboard Johnson just patch up the blood with this." Alexander passed him a rag remaining calm. Alexander was already becoming annoyed with Johnson he thought that he would be difficult to...Cooperate with...


OOC: No doctor on board? What the hell! medicine back then wasn't brilliant but with a piece of wood in your stomache it was better than nothing

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Johnson took the rag and some rum he soaked the rag in the rum to sterelize it and shoved it in his wound he screamed in pain but held it there. Sweet dripped his face as he pressed the rag in further in a good inch now. He pulled out out the rag now dripping blood. He grabbed more cloth and shoved it in he then grabbed a bandage and tied it round and put on his Admirals uniform and walked out onto deck limping. Edited by Meciathe
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OOC: Well, i think this one got the most votes to revive... so hey ho off we go. :thumbsup:


Alessia watched the drama on deck from the cabin window with a smile... something about watching others in pain fascinated her, but she decided to sit down, and look at herself in the mirror, she had no makeup on, and was still beautiful... still she preferred to look her best.

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Shalena noticed that something was going on in another ship but she simply shrugged it off and went back to the captain's cabin. She took a goblet from the table and took a sip of wine she poured into the goblet earlier. "Red Albatross... will have to change the name later. Something a little more piratey..." She said to herself and smiled slightly.
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Thomas went onto the deck with the other pirates and sat down on a barrel, to rest his leg. They continued to talk about the Golden Galleon, but at this point Thomas didn't think he was going to make it out alive. It was already odd that the Imperial Navy was helping them, but it was obvious that isn't going to be true once they reach the Galleon, it will probably be a deathmatch to see who can be the last one standing. Also, him and Shalena being the only pirates, were hopelessly outgunned, and outnumbered. Hopefully they can get the advantage if it boils down to that.
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