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Textures are Pixelated Up Close


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I started playing Skyrim again recently and I ran into a really annoying bug. Whenever I get close to something it gets pixelated. It is really noticeable on npc's and my character, but far away everything looks fine. I don't have any DOF settings enabled with my ENB, and I have tried turning AA, and Anisotropic Filter off and on in the game launcher with no success. I also have all of my game drivers up to date, and I have not added or removed any graphic mods from before this issue popped up. If anyone knows how to fix this then please let me know.


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That really looks like DoF. Try opening the ENB config menu (usually Shift+Enter) and turning of EnableDepthOfField and EnablePrepass. Depth of Field used to be done in enbeffectprepass.fx until Boris changed it to enbdepthoffield.fx instead. An older ENB preset could still be using prepass. Sometimes DoF does make things blurry at close range, especially on older ENB presets.

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