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Merged Patch Guide

Tes5Edit's Merged Patch - DaveC

What is a Merged Patch?

Tes5Edit is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to modding Skyrim. The software can take you from crashes every hour to being as stable as vanilla ever could be. In this guide I will attempt to explain in detail the concept of a merged patch. A merged patch is very close to the same concept as a bash patch except a merged patch handles everything within a ESP file whereas a bash patch handles only the leveled list. This can fix issues ranging from incorrect armor values to items not being placed in game, from npcs not having the correct conversation options to weapons being extremely weak. I hope you will take the time to read through this guide and further your knowledge of modding, let us begin.

1a. Loading a mod into Tes5Edit-

If you are loading Tes5Edit without MO then you simply open it directly, if it is being ran through MO then you must run the software through MO just like all other software must be ran through MO. Upon opening the program you will be greeted by a window titled "Master/Plugin Selection". This is going to include the esp and esm files of every mod you have installed. From here you are commonly recommended to run one mod at a time to do your mod cleanings but to do a merged patch you must load every mod excluding only the Skyproccer patches and your bash patch if you have already created it. All mods should already be selected but you should deselect any mods that I mentioned and hit OK, you will see “Background Loader: finished” on the right side of the program when everything is loaded.

1b. Creation of the merged patch-

I would recommend that you eventually not follow this step and create the entire merged patch yourself but this is a great first step for someone that is new to the creation of this patch. First you will want to right click on the left side of the screen where all the mods are listed. At the bottom of the menu that pops up is a “other” option which you will want to highlight which will bring up another menu, this allows you to select Create merged patch. When you click this you will receive a warning stating merged patch isn't supported for Skyrim but today we are men or women that also have no need for instructions so click Yes. You will receive a request for a title of the merged patch, add whatever you wish because to my knowledge there is no listing for it in Boss.

1c. Basics-

If you scroll to the bottom on the left side of the screen you will see your newly created merged patched that is named –whatever you named it--.esp. By clicking the + symbol to the side of the mod you will be able to open the mod and see the inner mechanics. If you see nothing here other than a “File header” that means Tes5Edit seen no needed edits and left you a blank merged patch. If if you see anything that starts with “Leveled” you will want to highlight it and right click on it, then click remove because this is exactly the same thing that your bash patch will be doing but it does a better job.

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Thank you, good to know. Good news is I got through the textures section and I can now load my save. Bad news is I have no idea what I did wrong or how to prevent myself from doing it again. Continuing on with the rest of the guide, hopefully i can get it to work, thank you both.


One more thing, you said I can launch SSE with Wrye Bash, do I have to set up a path for it to use skse64_loader.exe or can I just use the icon at the bottom that says start Skyrim Special Edition? I used the icon to test if it would load the save and it did but again only textures were installed, nothing scripted yet.

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Thank you, good to know. Good news is I got through the textures section and I can now load my save. Bad news is I have no idea what I did wrong or how to prevent myself from doing it again. Continuing on with the rest of the guide, hopefully i can get it to work, thank you both.


One more thing, you said I can launch SSE with Wrye Bash, do I have to set up a path for it to use skse64_loader.exe or can I just use the icon at the bottom that says start Skyrim Special Edition? I used the icon to test if it would load the save and it did but again only textures were installed, nothing scripted yet.


Wrye Bash should detect SKSE64.


If not, just drag a shortcut to SKSE_Launcher to the Mopy\Apps folder and it will show up in the bottom bar of Wrye Bash.

But Wrye should already have it in the toolbar

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