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Help Modding. Nothing works for certain popular Mod.


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I've tried every youtube video. Researched, Mod Organizer to Vortex, SKSE on Steam. Constantly having issues but following by the rules. I can Mod. But when I mess with SKSE sometimes it just doesn't want to function. Then when I want to try and get extend animation and physics to my game. Either it acts like it works and everything is in order but never shows up in-game with my other mods, or crashes everything. So I just really need some help. I've had friends who mod and cannot see to understand why nothing works. Just like someone who heavy mods show me the way. I've spent a whole four days trying to put things like new character skeletons. Please help, because my computer needs Jesus to be able to mod. Lol

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Well, with so little info to go on...

1. Are you trying to Mod Skyrim Special Edition or Skyrim LE?

2. depending n your answer for #1, are you using the proper SKSE or SKSE64 for the game you have?

3. Depending on #1, are you downloading and installing Mods for the version of the game you have?

5. What certain popular mod are you having trouble with?

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This is a subforum dedicated to new user introductions. If you want to ask game-specific questions or have modding related issue, please use the subforums dedicated to the game in question.


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