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Fallout 4 Patented: What we wanna see brought over from NV


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Some good ideas and points here but... How many people play the base game with only the DLCs? Not many I think, and the reason we are still playing it after almost 5 years is because of the mods and the mods exist because of the GECK. And the GECK is a godawful f**king mess! That anyone manages to produce anything worthwhile with the dogs-breakfast is incredible and that people produce the superb mods that they do is little short of miraculous and a monument to their talent and persistence.


Unless the devs want Fallout 4 to be a fire-and-forget game, if they want it to have a similar 'lifespan' as FO3 or NV then do whatever it takes to FIX THE F**KING GECK!


Lists of resources by type and sort (not by whatever chronological order they ended up in the game). Stability, moving in and out of Navmesh, Regions, Etc. Just basic stuff like [Ctrl-S] to save for Christs sakes! This is the 21st C and an enterprise that wants to be 'selling units' - for years- is dependent on modders willingness to put up with a kludged together dinosaur.


Given what the modders do for the owners of the game the GECK is little short of a studied insult.


What would be of a huge help for modding would be easier cell building, basically a Sims style building of walls then selecting a texture and the various windows/signs/whatever. It would turn the 20+ hours of working on a decent sized single cell area that is more than just a empty room into a couple hour project, allowing for much more time/effort put into the rest of a mod. A better method of viewing while building the cell would even be useful for solving the "floating object" problem that plagues modders and the developers themselves (as seen in multiple places in NV).



That and much more depending in what school your particular modding interest lies. But being able to resize the dialogue windows such as landscape textures, a history window to show all the changes you've made that session and the ability to go back x number of steps..


This is normal stuff for a modern application which the GECK isn't and which F4's creation kit REALLY needs to be if they want a 'long-term' product. If they fob us off with another patchily updated kludge (again) the mods won't happen and the game will go the way of Marathon (remember that one? Huge in it's day... Gone!)

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