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Why bottlecaps as a currency?


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They use it because the survivors of the big war are a bit dump, that's the reason they still exist in small mafia clan like political units, fighting each other, live in shacks with holes all over and choose something for money about which they have not much control. They cannot produce more money, it's also heavy and inconvenient. So the caps are perfect for killing economical development and so fit perfectly fine into the post-apo world we can admire in FO4. :happy:


Although, the real reason for the caps might be, cause it's funny...

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So the caps are perfect for killing economical development

What do you mean by that?

You mean because no more "caps" are beeing produced, which would "limit" the growth of the economy?


I personally think it is a great thing if no more money is produced. That way it actually has value ...


(But I don't really understand how economy works, I just always found it weird that people complan about inflation but they keep "printing money" ...)

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Although, the real reason for the caps might be, cause it's funny...




It's a game.


Electronic entertainment.


For fun.


With an undercurrent of social satire for those who can recognise it.

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Although, the real reason for the caps might be, cause it's funny...




It's a game.


Electronic entertainment.


For fun.


With an undercurrent of social satire for those who can recognise it.


I know that after all it's "just a game" and there doesn't have to be a "in-game explaination" for everything, becaue then then developers would need a few years to come up with the game and then a few more years to come up with "in-game-explainations" for every decision that they made ....


I just sometimes go "too deep" when it comes to these games ...

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