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Dark0ne last won the day on January 8

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Community Answers

  1. You give us far too much credit if you think we have the time, the resources, the knowledge and/or the will to implement some sort of hyper-advanced AI that can track your every move, understand how you think and manipulate DP accordingly You can see a monthly report of your mod download statistics on this page: https://next.nexusmods.com/my-content/analytics Clicking each month will show you a breakdown by mod. I assure you, it's not all some big conspiracy out to get you.
  2. Nope. That's the rage bait timeline which isn't based on reality or facts. Thought about it? Yes. But after going through 8 years of extremely toxic election years, we know what happens and we know what to expect. There was a bit during the Bush and Obama era but it wasn't anything like the last 8 years has been. Showler is correct when he says the backlash (and workload, and mental strain) from allowing the political mods to stay up is worse than the backlash from a few rage-baiters having a cry in their YouTube videos.
  3. Timeline of events Someone reports a mod that turns Captain America into Donald Trump in Marvel Rivals. It is removed due to our policy of not wanting to host political mods, especially in election years/on the run up to inauguration when the absolute whack jobs come out of the woodwork (like what is happening now). Users report the Joe Biden version of the same Captain America mod, which was uploaded a few days prior to the Donald Trump mod. We remove that too. Users start reporting all the Joe Biden mods that have been uploaded recently. We remove them too, because sure, if we're removing Donald Trump mods then we need to remove Biden mods too. YouTubers make some rage bait videos about the site, link to some mods they don't agree with that have not been removed up that point because no one has reported them to us, some people go nuts. People throw around "go woke or go broke" comments, again. We carry on doing what we've been doing for 23 years, which is run a community which relies on reactive moderation and the community reporting content to us. If it doesn't get reported to us, there's a very high chance we won't see it and we won't do anything about it. And that's not going to change because some rage-baiters are drumming up outrage for clicks content about us. "Oh no, anyway" being my take away from it all.
  4. @Catnology looking into this topic further, the exact same Captain America turned into X mod was made for Joe Biden first. We removed both the Joe Biden and Donald Trump versions of the mods on the exact same day, the 2nd of January to ensure we remained "unbiased" on the topic. Any Joe Biden/Donald Trump mods that remained up after that date simply existed because we had not seen them/no one had reported them and not because we had a care for the political leaning on the matter. Any controversy over this is heavily manufactured "for the clicks" and not because it has any merit. As per usual, we couldn't care much less what controversy the talking heads on YouTube are making up and we'll continue to moderate the way we always have.
  5. Discussing moderation on the forums is against the terms of service. The Community Managers will be back in the office today for the first time in almost 3 weeks. They may take a look at the topic once they are up-to-speed.
  6. You need not worry, my recent comments were merely directed at Scythe. He has been a known contrarian on the site and of me ever since the changes we made in 2021 and will never miss an opportunity to try and get his bitter digs in whenever he can. We normally just delete his misguided comments and move on, but after 3 years it's time for us to move on, so last night's message is the final warning for him.
  7. Hello pot, you're black. You mean, the process where they make a mod page and turn off comments and bug reports straight away? Ok. Actually a good idea that we have considered, but one requiring quite an extensive rewrite of both the users service and the mods service (which is already planned). We're looking for quick wins at this stage until we can spend the many months of work on more complex solutions. New mod authors getting "spammers" and "harangued"? What are you going on about? This is a strange clutch. After 1,000 UDL, not a large ask by any stretch as some have already mentioned, their tool suite increases. The assumption is on your end. What was actually said was, "To further improve your safety in the community, we've changed the default permissions on mod pages to combat this." and "Now users can help warn others about the malicious nature of these files, via the comments section, while they wait for moderators to action the reports." If it can help to warn a few more users about the malicious nature of the links in the readme.txt documents in these fake mods, which it will, then that's great. Ah yes, another good giggle from you again, thank you. Here I am, 23 years later, having created, bootstrapped and run this community from nothing to tens of millions of users a month, growing year on year since the start, with clearly no clue of what I'm doing! Silly me Once again, I do wonder why you are still here, using this site when you're always so desperate to come in and "shout some reality" and criticise our actions whenever possible? Is it perhaps time for you to move on, because this merry-go-round with you is getting tedious. It's been over 3 years now. You either need to get over it and stop the bitter, banal gibes or you need to leave. I'm bored of it.
  8. If you login to an inactive account that hasn't used the site in 6 months or more you are required to verify your identity via a link in an email, so we already have this.
  9. It's about creating barriers to entry for malicious actors. If they have to jump through hoops which take days (to accumulate 1,000+ UDL), rather than minutes (to make new accounts/steal accounts with no previous mod uploads), to spread the links to their viruses that last all of 10-30 minutes up on the site before a moderator removes them then it becomes far more hassle to them than it's worth. Now users can help warn others about the malicious nature of these files, via the comments section, while they wait for moderators to action the reports. We know what we're doing. We really don't need the negativity.
  10. I can confirm this is a bug, thanks for reporting. The developers will fix this first thing in the morning when they get into the office.
  11. I can see from your download history that you have downloaded from 1,700 unique mod pages today. Could you let me know what Collection you were attempting to download please? I'll then get the Community team to run some tests when they're back in the office next week and see if (1) we can replicate it and (2) what is going on, and we'll go from there.
  12. It will definitely be to do with a combination of small browser window/screen size and browser settings. What browser are you using? What resolution is your screen? Is your browser window full screen or have you made it smaller?
  13. Thanks for letting us know, and please let us know about any other places you see spam. We're in a never ending fight against these scum.
  14. The AngrboĆ°a white-wash mod for God of War Ragnarok? I'm not sure I've even seen anything on it - it hasn't come up in any of my news feeds yet. The content team said they're getting a lot of crap on Twitter/X right now about it but not anywhere else. Pretty much says it all. It's American election year, which means everyone focuses even more on "social issues" because that's what politicians want the people to focus on instead of things like, you know, how the country is run. We're no strangers to election year crap. Don't worry, I couldn't give a flying fuck what people have to say on the topic of whitewashing characters in games and we're not the only modding site out there - they can trot off to somewhere else to get that stuff.
  15. I'm going to have an existential crisis when I go back to my old secondary school (ages 11-18) next week to talk to the students about my time making this site (which I started at 15 while I was still at the school) and what little I've learnt on how to run a business. None of the kids I'll be talking to will have been born then.
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