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Status Updates posted by Dark0ne

  1. It is fantastic to still have you with us, VisseNekku.

  2. In a nutshell...nope!
  3. Not for a long time. Played Bad Company 2 for a couple of hundred hours, now I'm waiting for BF3.
  4. Do you ever look at someone's profile, see someone else's profile picture and think "I wonder who that is". That's how I ended up here! Hah :)
  5. You're the only one who remembered :(
  6. I've booked in a holiday to Portugal in June, staying in a Villa with friends, and I'm currently planning a trip to America -- looking at Vegas, Grand Canyon and Monument Valley!
  7. I'm well thank you. Busy, as per usual, and looking for a friend with enough money/time off work for a trip to America. I need a holiday!
  8. Haha, love the name. Big fan of Coheed.
  9. Learning skills to 5/4 straight from the start + +5 implants = moar SP!
  10. 22m SP caldari character made in November 07
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